social media Archives - Web Design & Marketing Services | Web Design & Marketing Services | Web Design & Marketing Services Thu, 28 Feb 2019 15:50:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 social media Archives - Web Design & Marketing Services | Web Design & Marketing Services | Web Design & Marketing Services 32 32 158074898 Internet Safety for Kids: The Top Tips for Parents Thu, 28 Feb 2019 15:50:32 +0000 With the recent scare of the ‘Momo’ challenge and spliced YouTube videos, it is no wonder so many parents are wondering how they can help with internet safety for kids.

The post Internet Safety for Kids: The Top Tips for Parents appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

With the recent scare of the ‘Momo’ challenge and spliced YouTube videos, it is no wonder so many parents are wondering how they can help with internet safety for kids.

I have kids and I know that it is hard to keep them away from YouTube. It is almost like their need to breathe. However, there are some things you can do to keep them safe. While, my older ones that are in middle and high school are like, “listening to random people is just as smart as eating Tide pods” it is still good to talk to younger ones. They might not even realize what they are doing or that it is not a positive thing.

Here are some of the top tips that you can use in regards to internet safety for kids, especially those littles that might not know any better!

Teach Them Internet Safety!

If they’re old enough to learn what they can and cannot do on the internet, then teach them about the dangers of the internet. There are many things lurking behind each of those web pages that many kids do not know about. Let them know they should never give out any personal information about them, where they live or go to school or those close to them. They never know who they are truly talking to.

This is always the first step to internet safety for kids.

Limit Their Time

By limiting their time on the electronics, you’re essentially limiting the amount of exposure that they have to these things. If they are especially young, electronics are not something they absolutely need, unlike older kids that use electronics for school work.

Give an ideal time, such as an hour or two during the day for some down time and the rest of the time they can be creative, read books, play with toys or go outside. This helps keep a healthy balance.

Watch What They are Doing

You want to have an idea of what they are doing while they are online. You want to know where they go and what they watch. By being able to see where they go and what they do, you have a better idea of whether or not they may be exposed to these things.

YouTube says that they have not found any videos offering any of the claims as of yet, but they are doing their best to make sure that any videos that are flagged are looked into as soon as possible.

Parental Control Software

If you really want to go all out and provide the most protection, there are apps that can be installed on various electronic devices that kids use. PC Mag talks about some of the best and what they do, so you can make a more informed choice on which you may want to use for your children.

Scholastic also gives many other awesome tips for keeping kids safe while on the internet, such as brushing up on your own internet knowledge. When you are aware of what might happen or could happen, or what is out there, you have a better idea of what to protect them from.

Aside from the obvious of monitoring your children’s tablets and what they watch, these tips can help. Not everyone has time to skip through every single video your child watches.

Taking precautions and being aware of what is out there, especially with the growing internet around us can help keep everyone safe. Internet safety for kids is a serious topic and one we should all be discussing and sharing tips and tricks with other parents about. Your personal life might be hectic, but keeping your kids safe should be a priority.

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Top 6 Tips for Better Social Media Marketing Mon, 21 Jan 2019 20:40:33 +0000 Creating a social media marketing campaign is one thing, but really making it work is another. You need to hit the ball out of the park and capturing your audience’s

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Creating a social media marketing campaign is one thing, but really making it work is another. You need to hit the ball out of the park and capturing your audience’s attention might be no easy feat, to say the least. There are ways to make it easier and more efficient, but if you’re not paying attention, it still isn’t going to work.

So many big companies have come up with pretty clever ways to not only market themselves, but capture (and hold) their audience’s attention. By being able to strategically put themselves out there, they are taking a front row seat at grabbing the audience before anyone else is able to do so.

Without further ado, here are some of the best tips for better social media marketing, regardless of who you are or what you do. Make your presence known!

6 Tips for Better Social Media Marketing

1.Social Media Analytics Platform

Analytics apps and programs help to know your percentages, click through rates and other attributions of the social media channel. This information can be analyzed and then used to work on a new social media plan that might work better. Owlmetrics is one that is highly recommended for those using Instagram.

2. Influencer Marketing Strategies Can Work

Over 90% of marketers that use an influencer marketing strategy, such as Harley Davidson or KitchenAid state that this form of marketing works. Marketers have their own ways of doing things, but if they are all agreeing on this, then you have to try it too. Influencer marketing can even gain the attention of those that are skeptical of those traditional marketing means.

3. Learn New Trends

The internet and social media world is always changing. Due to this, it is important that you stay in the know. By visiting networking events, webinars, seminars and more that have to do with the ever-changing world of social media, you can stay one step ahead of the game.

4. Have Clear, Stated Opinions

There are always important topics within every business model. When you have a heated discussion on one of these topics, make sure everyone knows where your business stands. Don’t hide behind something, especially if your company doesn’t believe in that. Make sure everyone knows what you stand for.

5. Measure Your Success

It is important that you know how you’re doing based on the plan that you have. You can use a multi-touch attribution model that can help you determine what is and is not working for you and your social media channels. This way, trial and error will not just turn into error for your social media marketing plan.

6. Use a Plan and Be Consistent

This cannot be said enough, but if you don’t have a plan and post consistently, for each and every social media channel that you use, then this is going to backfire. You need a way to show the world that you are here, you are for them and you are committed to gaining and holding their attention. If they reply, respond back. Always be one step ahead.

Whatever it is that you do, by being able to have a great social media marketing plan that works with the social media goals you have, you will soon find that this produces a better overall social media presence. Of course, you can do a little trial and error run of your own by mixing and matching those awesome ideas out there to find out what works. You just want to stay away from mistakes that might happen.

The social media marketing world is made up of a number of ingredients. With your business, you just have to find the right ingredients that really make your soup stand out. Make sure to grab my marketing plan to help you out a bit more!

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Creating a Marketing Plan: Tips for Small Businesses & FREE Plan! Mon, 14 Jan 2019 20:19:24 +0000 A marketing plan is essential for any business, big or small. While you are probably a small business, it is still important to have one. This outlines the goals that

The post Creating a Marketing Plan: Tips for Small Businesses & FREE Plan! appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

A marketing plan is essential for any business, big or small. While you are probably a small business, it is still important to have one. This outlines the goals that you have for marketing, what your achievables are, how you’re going to get there and what needs to be done to really drive your business home. This is important for any business that wants to get on their feet and really hit the ground running, but how exactly do you put this together? What comes in a marketing plan? What should yours have?

I made a video (link below) that outlines some of the sections that you should definitely make sure to have on your marketing plan. I also am giving away a FREE copy of a marketing plan template that I use.

You don’t have to use all of it, but it will give you a good idea of what you should have laid out for your business to have a successful marketing campaign. This will also help you stay on track better since you can see the goals and really break them down.

Sections of the Marketing Plan 

You need to make sure that your marketing plan has all of the specific sections that will lay everything out for you.

  • Who are you? What is your business? Why is this valuable to the customer or client?
  • Who is your audience or target audience? – what person would use your service or product and why?
  • Who is your competition? Why are you better to use than them?
  • What kind of marketing do you want to do or think is the most effective when thinking about your target audience?
  • Overall goals – main goal and then broken up into different goals

Remember to keep track of everything – you want to know how many followers you start with, how many jobs you get or things you sell to make sure you’re moving up and not down. If you are moving up, keep up the good work! If down, re-evaluate your marketing and do something else that works.

Tips for a Marketing Plan

These tips can help you create the best marketing plan and also make sure that you have actionable, attainable goals that you are able to reach when considering your marketing efforts.

  • Use the SMART method (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-Based)
  • Set up a strategy to reach the marketing goal you set up whether you are going to send out 10 letters a day or 20 emails to get 2 new clients, do it!
  • Assess your resources. Are you using qualified people to help? Do you have a budget to do something bigger? Something better?
  • Always establish time frames and stick with them. Know what you want to accomplish and when.
  • Remember! Try everything! You never know what might work and what might not!

When putting together a marketing plan, create goals that are easily attainable and something that can help you grow. Even if your business is growing slowly, it is still growing! Of course, if you need help, make sure to contact me today and I’d be more than happy to help with marketing plans and making them actionable!

If you missed out on the video where I talked about what the marketing plan was and what it does, check it out here on Facebook!

Make sure to CLICK HERE for your FREE Marketing Plan Template!

The post Creating a Marketing Plan: Tips for Small Businesses & FREE Plan! appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

The Worst Social Media Mistakes You Can Make Sun, 06 Jan 2019 01:58:21 +0000 Social media is one of the biggest and best ways to market anything on the internet. From smaller businesses to larger businesses, you will find that each of them uses

The post The Worst Social Media Mistakes You Can Make appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

Social media is one of the biggest and best ways to market anything on the internet. From smaller businesses to larger businesses, you will find that each of them uses some sort of social media to their advantage. This is because many people, almost all of people, use social media. When you are a business and you can use a platform that your customers or potential customers or clients are using to speak with them or reach them in some way, then you benefit and gain traction in the market.

However, not everything is good when it comes to social media. You can actually do a lot of bad thing in your quest to do good for your company. Some businesses have botched the social media scene with mistakes that they probably should have thought about before doing them. Learn what these mistakes are so you don’t have to worry about making the same mistakes and facing the same consequences.

Social Media Mistakes You Can Make as a Business

These mistakes are made by businesses everywhere. Make sure to keep your social media game strong by watching out for them and not repeating history.

Not Having a Specific Strategy for Social Media

Having a marketing strategy is one thing, but you should always have a strategy for social media, too. You want to make sure that you have a clear idea of what you need to do, when you need to post, what you’re going to post and more. Setting a schedule and being regular can help you make the best of the social media that you use.

Engaging Your Audience Ineffectively 

Building your brand means engaging your audience and making them feel like they are valued. Having a clear idea of how people want to see you is important. When you don’t engage with them effectively, you’re actually harming your chances of being effective at marketing through social media.

Incorrectly Using Hashtags

Hashtags are important when posting on any social media. If you’re not using them correctly, then you will find that it can actually harm, not help you. Always make sure that you are using a hashtag correctly and that you are using it to go along with the same meaning that you are using it for.

Incorporating too Much Politics

This is a hot and heavy subject and while it is important to stick to your beliefs and what you stand for, it is also important that you don’t push them on other people. Don’t stick with politics too much because you might actually make more enemies than followers. It is a tough subject and there are many opinions and thoughts.

Forbes has even more tips for using your social media accounts correctly. You don’t want to overdo it, but you want to make sure that you’re set to go when it comes to engaging and connecting with your audience.

Of course, you can also find out more right here with some of the other blogs that I have written! You can learn more about how you can balance your work and personal life, the top marketing changes and even the mistakes that kill startup businesses – if this might be you!

The post The Worst Social Media Mistakes You Can Make appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.
