small business Archives - Web Design & Marketing Services | Web Design & Marketing Services | Web Design & Marketing Services Thu, 16 May 2019 13:13:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 small business Archives - Web Design & Marketing Services | Web Design & Marketing Services | Web Design & Marketing Services 32 32 158074898 5 Actionable Tips to Use as a Freelancer Mon, 20 May 2019 13:06:43 +0000 In a report by Upwork and Freelancers Union, it was revealed that 35 percent of American workers have left the “9 – 5” life to become a freelancer. In fact,

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In a report by Upwork and Freelancers Union, it was revealed that 35 percent of American workers have left the “9 – 5” life to become a freelancer. In fact, this number is increasing and is expected to almost double in the next 4 years. So, if you are considering a freelancing lifestyle or are a veteran, here are some tips to help you succeed:

1. Always use a contract

This is one of the most common mistakes that those new to freelancing make. Be sure to use a contract for every client project. However, don’t get caught up searching for the perfect contract. It’s okay, to begin with, a template and improve on it along the way.

Having basic terms in the contract helps to protect you, while also informing the client the way you work.

2. Get a down payment from every client

A big issue heard by freelancers is not getting paid on time or the client stiffing them. To ensure you receive payment, require a down payment upfront of perhaps 50 percent before starting any work. Be sure to make this clear in any preliminary discussions as well as your contract.

It should raise a red flag if a client has an issue with this requirement. While there is a possibility this is the first time, they’ve contracted freelance services, your guard should still be raised. If the potential client refuses again, move on.

3. Do not be scared to say “no”

It can be difficult to say no. This is especially true if you are like some people who are generous and want others you work with to feel happy. You offer to help in any possible way as to not disappoint anyone, but you don’t realize the strenuous load it’ll place on you.

Remember this – you will disappoint someone, no matter what you do.

Whether it be your family because of the long hours you’ve been working, the client as you’re unable to deliver 50 percent through the project, you’re extremely stressed from the extra work you took on.

So, learn to get comfortable with saying “no”.

4. Focus your freelance business

Many freelancers are unable to find enough work and have a difficult time getting their name out there.

Make everything easier on you by focusing on your brand identity and the type of projects you take. From charging higher rates to marketing to actually delivering the work. Choose one or two services only and be sure to only take work that falls in one of the two categories. Everything else, turn down.

After making you’re your decision on what services to specialize in, this needs to translate into your own brand. Everything on your website should be reworded to those phrases and keywords, only display that type of work in your portfolio, and begin producing content around those two services as a testimony to your expertise.

5. Write, Write, Write

This tip is the most important – write. It does not matter if you believe you’re not a good writer; by writing, your name gets out there, and the client finds you.

Good writing comes with practice.

Take a few minutes and watch this video by Sean McCabe to learn why writing is important to your freelancing:

It All Starts with Writing

I’m sure after reading this post and watching the video, you’ll understand why writing is so important to your freelance.

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Creating a Marketing Plan: Tips for Small Businesses & FREE Plan! Mon, 14 Jan 2019 20:19:24 +0000 A marketing plan is essential for any business, big or small. While you are probably a small business, it is still important to have one. This outlines the goals that

The post Creating a Marketing Plan: Tips for Small Businesses & FREE Plan! appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

A marketing plan is essential for any business, big or small. While you are probably a small business, it is still important to have one. This outlines the goals that you have for marketing, what your achievables are, how you’re going to get there and what needs to be done to really drive your business home. This is important for any business that wants to get on their feet and really hit the ground running, but how exactly do you put this together? What comes in a marketing plan? What should yours have?

I made a video (link below) that outlines some of the sections that you should definitely make sure to have on your marketing plan. I also am giving away a FREE copy of a marketing plan template that I use.

You don’t have to use all of it, but it will give you a good idea of what you should have laid out for your business to have a successful marketing campaign. This will also help you stay on track better since you can see the goals and really break them down.

Sections of the Marketing Plan 

You need to make sure that your marketing plan has all of the specific sections that will lay everything out for you.

  • Who are you? What is your business? Why is this valuable to the customer or client?
  • Who is your audience or target audience? – what person would use your service or product and why?
  • Who is your competition? Why are you better to use than them?
  • What kind of marketing do you want to do or think is the most effective when thinking about your target audience?
  • Overall goals – main goal and then broken up into different goals

Remember to keep track of everything – you want to know how many followers you start with, how many jobs you get or things you sell to make sure you’re moving up and not down. If you are moving up, keep up the good work! If down, re-evaluate your marketing and do something else that works.

Tips for a Marketing Plan

These tips can help you create the best marketing plan and also make sure that you have actionable, attainable goals that you are able to reach when considering your marketing efforts.

  • Use the SMART method (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-Based)
  • Set up a strategy to reach the marketing goal you set up whether you are going to send out 10 letters a day or 20 emails to get 2 new clients, do it!
  • Assess your resources. Are you using qualified people to help? Do you have a budget to do something bigger? Something better?
  • Always establish time frames and stick with them. Know what you want to accomplish and when.
  • Remember! Try everything! You never know what might work and what might not!

When putting together a marketing plan, create goals that are easily attainable and something that can help you grow. Even if your business is growing slowly, it is still growing! Of course, if you need help, make sure to contact me today and I’d be more than happy to help with marketing plans and making them actionable!

If you missed out on the video where I talked about what the marketing plan was and what it does, check it out here on Facebook!

Make sure to CLICK HERE for your FREE Marketing Plan Template!

The post Creating a Marketing Plan: Tips for Small Businesses & FREE Plan! appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

Am I Happier as a Freelancer? Thu, 10 Jan 2019 16:07:56 +0000 When thinking about becoming a freelancer, many people do not want the uncertainty of not knowing if you will have work or get paid at a certain time. They might

The post Am I Happier as a Freelancer? appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

When thinking about becoming a freelancer, many people do not want the uncertainty of not knowing if you will have work or get paid at a certain time. They might not like having to look around and find work for yourself. This is common. Many people do not want to put forth a lot of effort for just a small piece of satisfaction. This is what happens when you start off in the freelancing world. It is all hard work, no play and sometimes, no fun. You have to make your future and the money that you make. While it is not back-breaking labor and you are not getting your hands dirty, you’re certainly working hard for your money.

One of the biggest questions that I get asked is whether or not I am happier as a freelancer. Do I enjoy what I do? Do I get the satisfaction from it that some get from their jobs?

Happiness as a Freelancer

Happiness comes from doing something that you like. You can choose to be happy with any job. No really, you can. You’re ultimately the keeper of your own happiness. However, being able to go to my children’s appointments or the plays that they put on without having to let my boss know I will be missing an hour of work here or an hour there is great. That is the biggest and best thing about being a freelancer and owning my own business.

I have a strong work ethic, I do and even at a 9 to 5 desk job if I missed that hour, I would be working until 6 to make it up, but I just cannot miss out on those times that I won’t have again. I will always have the desk, the work, the job; but my children will not be little forever.

You may not have children but you might have a grandma that you want to spend time with before it is too late or a dog that has to be put to sleep soon so you want to give them the best life they could ever ask for towards the end. Whatever the reason, freelancing has allowed me to be much more flexible with what I can and cannot do, making the things that really matter most to me easily enjoyed.

It is Not All Good

Freelancing is not all good. I don’t get large amounts of taxes back every year that I can spend to fix my house or do my hair. I have to pay for health insurance for my family (which is pretty expensive). Struggling is sometimes necessary when I try to find work when the workforce is slow and clients are deciding on their marketing strategies. I have to MAKE myself work because there is no boss barking behind me to get those papers in! You have to work to grow your freelance career.

I do have the creativity to create beautiful websites for clients. By allowing my creativity and my passion for helping others grow, I am essentially loving what I do, downfalls and all. I love being able to help those small businesses ramp up their production and see money come into their businesses. I love being able to stretch my imagination further than I ever have with their projects they bring to me.

Happiness is what you make it. If you want happiness, just think about what you want from life. Think of those things that make you happiest. These are what your life should revolve around, not something that holds you back.

*If you want tips on how to organize and handle both personal and professional life, check out my post here… it also has pretty awesome extras you can make use of!

The post Am I Happier as a Freelancer? appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

Outlaw Clothing Brands – Small Business Spotlight Thu, 03 Jan 2019 21:52:43 +0000 Outlaw Clothing Brands is more than just a brand, they are a change, a movement, a message that you can share with everyone you know. It is a way that

The post Outlaw Clothing Brands – Small Business Spotlight appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

Outlaw Clothing Brands is more than just a brand, they are a change, a movement, a message that you can share with everyone you know. It is a way that you can be and do much more than you set out to do in this lifetime.

With a group behind you, you know you’re spreading the right message. Do something great and do something you wouldn’t normally do that is going to make a positive impact on someone else.

Outlaw Clothing Brands Promotes a Happier, Friendlier World

The brand itself is a way of life, a way to change how the world views each other. It is a way for someone to actually show that they are ready to make a change and be a part of something bigger.

I wanted to add in some of his own comments so that you could get a feel for the owner of the company and know more about what they stand for and what types of changes they are looking to make, as this can be a big part of why you choose to use their brand over others.

Max Outlaw –

“Outlaw Clothing Brands promotes a lifestyle in which small changes made every day help us work toward a better life and a better world. Selfless acts, intentional kindness and going against the grain aren’t the societal norm. BE THE CHANGE | BE AN OUTLAW. I’ve been told that I was meant for more in this world. And one thing that I’ve always done is help the ones around me. The end of the day I believe everyone is capable of being the right needed in the world. The change. And because it isn’t the majority rules that’s what makes you an Outlaw.”

“The biggest reason for individuals to look more into our brand is that we give to the causes that help create a better world. One recently is the convoy of hope. Another we are reaching to is the boys and girls club. I’ve always known my heart was different. I’ve always wanted to use myself and personality to bridge everyone together.”

“This brand is a start of multiple ventures. So through this business and brand, I will create new jobs and inspire others. As well as I’m certain this is needed, I’m excited to call out greatness amongst everyone. My biggest success thus far is knowing the culture of change is needed. My brand is the answer to familiarize everyone it’s ok.”

I’ve spoken about them in my video, so if you want to take a look and see all that they stand for and learn a bit more about the company and what they do, then check them out. Of course, you can go straight to the source and check out Outlaw Clothing Brands website for yourself and make a difference and be the change, be an Outlaw.

The post Outlaw Clothing Brands – Small Business Spotlight appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

10 Places to Write From Instead of Your Home Office Fri, 14 Sep 2018 23:56:21 +0000 Sure you must find your home office a peaceful place to sit and do your work.  But, many times I am sure you just want a change of scenery in

The post 10 Places to Write From Instead of Your Home Office appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

Sure you must find your home office a peaceful place to sit and do your work.  But, many times I am sure you just want a change of scenery in order to concentrate just a little better.  Thankfully, you are not confined to just that home office, you are able to take your work with you any place you may want to sit and work.

The following is a listing of the top 10 most inspiring places to do just that:

1. A Nearby Coffee Shop

Many times it is just nice not to have to make your own cup of coffee, not to mention having to get up and get it while you are in the middle of working.  Find a coffee shop nearby and have them serve you.  The hustle and bustle within the shop will also keep you awake if you are having one of those sleepy days.

2. The Park

As a freelancer it is very easy to spend up to 80 percent of your time indoors, and not seeing the sun for days on end.

A little fresh air will perk anyone up.  Take your work to your local park; sit on a blanket or a nearby bench while savoring the smell of the fresh air.  Let the warm sun bath over your body as you finish that article.

3. The Library

At the library you will find the peace and quiet that you are looking for especially of you have a house full and cannot seem to concentrate.  You will be able to find a book or two that will get those brain cells working again, perhaps you will even find a few new ideas for what you are writing that Google hasn’t provided.

4. Spending Time at a Friend’s House

There is a trick to this one, it is important to choose the friend that is not going to drag you out on those exciting adventures.  A cup of coffee and a conversation can take you a long way right before you settle down to do your own things.  The bonus to going to your friends is that you can bounce ideas off of them as well.

5. Going to an Art Gallery

Another great spot that is for the most part quiet is your local art gallery.  Although you will not find words that will inspire you, the visual art just may inspire you in a whole new manner.  If you are struggling with finishing an article, take a breath and relax by looking as some of the beautiful art work on display.  Soon you will be as good as new.

6.Going to a Communal Workspace

Also known as co-working offices can have great benefits over your normal home office.

These are basically large open offices where you are able to rent a chair.  The neat part about these spaces is that you never know who you will meet sitting next to you.  One day you may be sitting right next to a project manager, the next day just may be a travel blogger, the possibilities are endless.

7. Your Local University

It has been said that a university is it own world.  Within the grounds you just may find several places that you can work from such as the coffee shop, a park, the library or many other interesting spots.

The people that you just may find walking around just may put a spark to your writing skills; they may be young, older, nerdy, flamboyant, hip, as well as conservative.

8. On the Plane, Train, or Bus

Even if you do work from home, you know that there are many times that travel is needed.  Most people who travel tend to stare out of the window as they are sitting as they get lost within their own personal thoughts.

But, as you are on that Plane, Train, or Bus jot those thoughts down, a change of scenery as well as company just may be all you need for a little inspiration.

9. Standing Up on Your Feet

Yes, on your feet, it may sound just a little crazy but it is amazing in the difference between writing while you are sitting compared to standing.  Standing lets the blood flow freely and gives you more energy.

10. On Retreat

Imagine being with people that are eager to learn more about freelance writing, enthusiastic, and are happy to share ideas and thoughts and are eager to encourage you.

These types of retreats are packed with very valuable information as well as fantastic ideas that will inspire the best in anyone.

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The 10 Mistakes That Kill Startups Mon, 03 Sep 2018 02:25:01 +0000 You have come up with a great idea for your own business; you have the passion as well as the drive that can make your business a success, not to

The post The 10 Mistakes That Kill Startups appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

You have come up with a great idea for your own business; you have the passion as well as the drive that can make your business a success, not to mention the willpower that will push it to life. Make no mistake, you are going to make just a few mistakes along the way – it is all an important part of the process.  But, will you ultimately make one or more of these mistakes that will kill your start-up?

Not if you are reading this –

Here are the top 10 reasons that business start-ups fail, learn from them, so you will be able to avoid the doom of ninety percent of other business start-ups.

  1. Failure to set up a business plan

Creating this plan will give you an idea of what resources you will ultimately need in order for your business to succeed.  As well as being able to see the possible outcomes that you may expect to see.  It will give you a little bit of clarity when it comes to your business goals, as well as allowing you to understand that areas within your business you deem to be important, what can be lowered on the propriety scale, and where your recourses will be needed.

  1. Undercapitalization

Out of these 10 mistakes that will kill a start-up, undercapitalization is the quickest way to a business death.

It is very important that you receive the right capital from the very start of your business, or you will find that you will begin to rely more on debt when there is no equity that will back up your business.

  1. Chasing Turnover At the Cost of Profits

While we are on the subject of money, let’s talk a little about where exactly your priorities should be.

Here is a very simple truth: it does not matter how much money that you may have acquired during a period of none of that money is yours.  Focusing wholly on a high turnover rate has meant death to many companies due to the fact that while they may have a $400,000 contract, they just may need $450,000 in order to fulfill it.

  1. Not Reinvesting those Early Years Profits in order to Achieve Stabilization

Too many times company owners see that the cash is starting to roll in and they decide to reinvest it… themselves.  New business owners tend to upgrade their homes, vehicles, and go on trips – for a year or more.

As your business begins to gain that momentum, it is a perfect opportunity to reinvest the money back into the business and keep working on perfecting your processes.  By doing this in the early years of your business you are ensuring the long life of your business.

  1. Too Eager for Expansion

So many new businesses start to see profit and believe it is time to reinvest that profit by using it to expand.  Profits are not the only indicator that a business should utilize to make the big decision of expansion.

  1. Not Accepting Advice From Others

No one can possibly know how to do it all, so it is very important to have an open mind as you listen to another person’s perspective, to other people that have the expertise in areas such as accounting, marketing, and lawyers.  Even your family and friends can be a big asset if you allow them to be.

  1. Not Being Able to Deal with People

When starting your own business you cannot be that unlikable person, you will be eventually hung by your very own tongue!

Being that nice person does not only apply to your customers or clients, it needs to extend to your employees as well. Having happy employees will mean happy customers, in turn, will mean returning customers, and of course more profits.

  1. Not Adapting to the Changing Times

The world has and always will be constantly changing, and for a business to be successful they will have to learn to adapt and overcome any and all challenges along the way.

As that business owner, you will need to be able to be open-minded to the changes in the business world as they occur and take the appropriated steps to meet the demand.

  1. Issues with Management

Issues with management are normally cited as being the number one reason that many businesses fail. While not noted as mistakes, not knowing how to handle management is not a good thing, either.

Just because a person has ten years of experience in the industry does not make them a great manager.  Your manager should have a combination of trade skills that are complemented by managerial skills.  Finding this type of person is never a very easy task, but it is well worth the time and effort to find him/her.

  1. Over-Depending on a Single Customer

You put in some long hours, and now you landed that client that you worked so hard on landing.  That is fantastic, but take a look at the books does this one client account for more than fifty percent of your total revenue?  If so, you are too dependent on him/her.

So, what do you do, don’t stop at that one big client, keep marketing and bring in more clients.

The post The 10 Mistakes That Kill Startups appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

Communication is Essential for All Businesses: Here’s Why! Wed, 29 Aug 2018 02:24:24 +0000 In order to make your business successful, it is essential to have a great communication system in place.  Communication is necessary if the members of your company are working as

The post Communication is Essential for All Businesses: Here’s Why! appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

In order to make your business successful, it is essential to have a great communication system in place.  Communication is necessary if the members of your company are working as a team towards a similar objective.  There are numerous reasons why having great communication skills are a vital part of a successful business, here are just a few of them.

Communication Between Employees

The interaction between your employees will build upon having an effective team.  Having a great leader is necessary in order to build a great team.  In order to be a great leader, they must be capable of communicating well with every single member that is implicated within the company; they will have to make sure each employee knows what their job and expectations are.  He/she must be very motivated who can encourage others to work at their best ability as well as having the mindset to achieve various goals.

A leader that has great communication skills will create a team that will perform great in all aspects and departments.  Great communication skills also eliminate misunderstandings among employees in the workplace.  When each employee is able to communicate openly and efficiently with other employees, misunderstandings will resolve in an agreeable manner.  In other words, friction that is unnecessary is avoided.  Ultimately your employees will be able to concentrate and achieve their goals.

When having a great communication system in place you will find that it enhances your whole business process.  Most businesses have many departments that need to work as a unit in order to meet the same goal.  The process of arriving at that goal requires the interaction of departments at meetings in order to discuss any issues.

Communications with Your Customers

You as the business owner will also notice an improvement in the quality of service.  The quality of service between your customers and your company will, in fact, be improved.  If you as a business interacts well with your clients and ensures that their needs are met promptly, your customers will tend to continue their business relationship with your company.

Your business will also be placed in a better position in order to provide an improved service. This will be all due to you being able to communicate with your clients.  As you communicate more efficiently you will ultimately be able to figure out what exactly your clients want.

So, you will be able to make any necessary adjustments to your products and or services that your clients require. A way to communicate with your customers is having customer feedback in the form of surveys, this will improve upon your market sales.

Understand Your Customers, Know Your Customers

People who have very successful businesses understand that their customers at all times come first.  In other words, it is that customer who will bring the business its profits.  This is the reason why great communication between the employees as well as the customer is very important within any business.  If your business is lacking in any area you will be sure to hear about it from your customer first.  Great communication within your business is the key to having a successful business.

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Pros and Cons of Freelance Work Fri, 20 Oct 2017 16:07:50 +0000 Are you thinking about doing some Freelance work?  If you are, here are some good points that you just may want to consider. This will help before making that huge

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Are you thinking about doing some Freelance work? 

If you are, here are some good points that you just may want to consider. This will help before making that huge step in your life. Freelance work has a lot of pros and cons that come with it. Not only that, but it also means you need to find out if this is something that is going to work with you and your lifestyle in the long run. 

Flexibility of Freelance Work


Those who work as a Freelancer generally do have a more flexible schedule than those who have that 9 to 5 job.  More flexibility in your schedule means that you will be able to set the hours that you actually work. You can choose what assignments that you want to do. You also work around family commitments and your social life.  Keep in mind that you still will have those deadlines, but as long as you make then you can even take the day off if needed.


Now, do not be fooled you will not be spending your whole day playing with your children.  If you do not have a structured schedule that work can pile up.  If a deadline suddenly sneaks up on you, you will have to cancel that family outing or work through the night in order to meet it.

Also, if you take the day off – you don’t get paid for this work. There is no salary, you work for yourself.

Office Politics Within Freelance Work


If you choose to go the route of Freelance work, you will not have to deal with what is known as office politics.  You will not be tied to a single organization, in fact, most freelancers have several clients from different organizations.  Most of the time you will actually be working remotely, you complete your assignment by the deadline and hand it in.


Depending on what type of freelance work you are planning on doing, you just may have to deal with your clients’ office politics.  This may or may not effect you, depending on what you feel about their point of view. (However, another PRO to this is, you don’t have to work with a client if you don’t want too, you can actually pass on their work)

Benefits of Freelance Work


You get to choose when you want to work, when to take a vacation, and what you want to go too. This might add up to something in the long run, of course, it does come with its downfall.


When you are a Freelancer this generally means that you own your own company and are on your own.  You will have to arrange for your own health insurance.  When you need a day off you will not get paid for it.  In other words, there is no sick days, personal days, or even holiday pay.

Be in Control


Since you are the owner of your company you have total control over what you do.  You will be choosing what you work on and when you will be working on it.  If a particular job does not meet your standards you will have the authority to reject it.


With most things not everything can be peaches and cream, you still have to pay those bills so unless you have a stash of cash you will have to take on some of those not so interesting jobs.

The other issue is that you will, of course, have many bosses, one comes with each and every assignment that is taken on.  Each of them will have their very own set of instructions that you will have to follow.

These are just a few points in which you will want to consider when thinking about freelance work.  So, take your time and do your research before you find that you jumped into something that is above your head.

It is something that not everyone is cut out to do, but it is definitely something that a lot of people are leaning towards now, especially with a loaded workforce and jobs being hard to come by.

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Gaining Content Work in an Overloaded Workforce Wed, 01 Mar 2017 18:46:17 +0000 With more and more people looking to make money in easier than a 9-5 type of job way, it is no wonder the content world is becoming increasingly saturated with

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With more and more people looking to make money in easier than a 9-5 type of job way, it is no wonder the content world is becoming increasingly saturated with writers. However, how good are these writers? How much do they charge? What value or services do they bring to the table?

Those That Have Been in Content Writing a Long Time

If you’re like me and have been in the content writing business a long time, then you know it is important to have some sort of specialty and credentials to back you up against the grueling workforce that has become our life.

With me, it is my marketing degree and specialized areas that bring the most attention.

Not everyone is able to provide these skills and I am sure other long-time writers have their own niches that they practice in.

These new writers do not have much going for them but a newly found freelance writing freedom and the ability to work for pennies. Should companies hire them to save a buck?

Whether or Not Companies Should Hire Newbies 

Being new to the freelance writing world is not a bad thing. It means you can get your feet wet, learn a bit and create a specialty all your own. By no means does this mean that you should give up or stop taking on jobs.

However, businesses that want custom-tailored, SEO rich, quality content should probably search for an expert in the industry. Those businesses that want to just throw up a website and create something just to have a presence there to show their clients, give the newbie a shot, why not?

Great content is what is going to drive traffic to your website. It is what is going to back you up when it comes to finding diversity in the niche that you work in. This can be something that newbies learn, but you might not have the time for them to take the time to learn on their own.

Welcome to all newbies in the freelance writing world and welcome to all businesses that want to work with experts and newbies alike in the field. With that being said, here is a guide to helping newbies get off to a great start in this content building industry.

The post Gaining Content Work in an Overloaded Workforce appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

Website Content: Why is it So Important? Tue, 03 Jan 2017 02:51:45 +0000 Website content is one of the most important aspects of having an online presence. Not only is it good for companies, big and small but also individuals looking to gain

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Website content is one of the most important aspects of having an online presence. Not only is it good for companies, big and small but also individuals looking to gain attention.

When you work with someone that understands SEO and the importance of quality content, you’re working with someone that can build your name, your business’s name and get you seen by the target audience of your choosing.

Why is Website Content Important?

If you’re looking to move out of the everyday thing and move into the world around you, then the internet is the first place you’re going to go to find the customers you want.

However, how do you reach these customers? Where would you start?

You’d have to work with a marketer and content writer that understands how to market your company through website content and marketing means so you can be seen.

Not only does the content have to be enriching and provide value to the reader, but it also has to be optimized correctly in order to get the right amount of views.

More views mean more potential customers and clients for your company. This is due to having the search engines pick up on these keywords and provide your website as one of the many that can be found when those words are searched for.

Overview of Benefits of Having Website Content 

Here is a brief bulleted list that showcases the benefits of having high-quality website content for your business:

  • Be seen on search engines
  • Have enriching, valuable content for your readers
  • Have a link that potential clients and customers can visit
  • Provide more information to those that want to know more about you and what you do
  • Enjoy the benefits of growing with the technology around you

As always, it is important to hire a professional content writer for your website content. They can not only provide thorough SEO work but enriching, helpful content that can engage the customers and clients and help them reach you better. Here is more information about creating engaging website content for your business.

The post Website Content: Why is it So Important? appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.
