help Archives - Web Design & Marketing Services | Web Design & Marketing Services | Web Design & Marketing Services Fri, 30 Nov 2018 15:24:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 help Archives - Web Design & Marketing Services | Web Design & Marketing Services | Web Design & Marketing Services 32 32 158074898 The Best Thing in Freelancing: Retainers Fri, 30 Nov 2018 15:24:17 +0000 It is important as a freelancer that you know how to get and keep retainers because these are going to help you a lot as you go along. With these

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It is important as a freelancer that you know how to get and keep retainers because these are going to help you a lot as you go along. With these retainers in your possession, you will quickly learn that they bring much more to the table than you originally thought. Of course, working with some of the best clients out there is also high in my books.

Retainers are harder to get then one-off jobs, so it is important to think about perhaps offering this service to clients that you speak with. They can really save you in the long run. This agreement brings employment and freelancing together to hold hands and make the freelancer happier with the outcome.

What is a Retainer?

Many freelancers might not even know what a retainer is. However, with the right information, being a freelancer is going to get much easier for you overall. A retainer is much like an agreement. The freelancer submits a specific set amount of work every month and the employer pays a specific amount for the work.

Retainers Do Not Come Right Away

Hoping it is easy to get a retainer is something that can be easy to do. You have stars in your eyes and hopes and dreams to reach. You might have to work with the client on one-off projects until you feel comfortable enough to pitch a retainer idea. This is especially helpful if they continue to use you for these one-off projects.

However, it is also important to note that not all clients are the “retainer” types. They need to be a long-term client that needs steady work throughout the year for this to work out. Plus, you have to feel comfortable enough to trust them and for them to trust you.

Offer All Services They Might Need

You don’t have to run out and learn to code right away, but knowing how to build a simple website to go with your content writing, or marketing or whatever you do is helpful. Getting an employer to work with you on retainer is ideal in many ways, but not having more than the one thing to offer them might make them think harder about this agreement than they really need too when you pitch the idea to them.

Writing Up Your Retainer 

Your retainer is going to work much like a contract, so you need to write one up so that everyone is in agreement on the terms. Just make sure to add these important tidbits so that everyone has what they need from the deal.

  • How much work is being delivered every month
  • The amount it will cost, as well as your payment information
  • Include any expenses or other things the client has to cover
  • The length of time the retainer is good for, usually, it is a year to two years
  • Revisions and if they are included, if they are, how many?
  • A sign off stating that the client owns the content once it is completed
  • Having an under or over usage of the content – when a client skips a month, they still need to pay and some freelancers provide a credit to recoup some articles missed during the next month, though not all
  • Cancellation policies of the retainer, which usually means the client needs to give 30 days notice of their intent to do so

Making a retainer last a while is important. When the working relationship is a strong one, then retainers can work smoothly between the client and the freelancer. They can even provide a strong recommendation for others that they know looking for the same type of services. A retainer is thandeal way to work as a freelancer and it provides more stability in times of need.

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Tips for Managing Your Work/Personal Life Balance for Entrepreneurs – Plus, Special Bonuses! Mon, 12 Nov 2018 22:19:43 +0000 If you have watched my latest video, then you know that balancing work and your personal life can be difficult at times. You want to get so much done, everything

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If you have watched my latest video, then you know that balancing work and your personal life can be difficult at times. You want to get so much done, everything done, all at once. You don’t want long lists staring at you, you want clean slates that you can feel accomplished about.

So do I, but it is not really realistic. This is especially true for those of us that are not only managing our businesses but those of us that also have families.

By being able to manage your life and separate work from the personal aspects, not only will you be happier, but so will your family, and your business might just prosper because of this happiness. You will become MORE productive, you will actually get MORE done.

Here are some pretty awesome tips for helping you stay on track and keep the personal away from the work aspects of life, as difficult as it might be.

Resist the Temptation to Work! 

I admit it, I am totally a workaholic. You can usually find me clicking away in my bedroom, at my office, while I watch a show on the television. Even if I am not in front of those things, I am on social media, making my presence known there. It is horrible, I know. It is something that we all have to break away from!

Resisting the urge to constantly work, even if you feel like you have ‘down-time’ is the best thing you can do for your soul.

Give Yourself Office Hours!

And stick with them! I mean it! If you say you are going to work on work from 9am to 4pm, then that is all you have to work with. If 4pm comes and you have accomplished one thing – that’s it! You will learn to get on this schedule and be productive with those hours because you’re training your body and brain to know that this is all the time you have to work with. You need to make the most of it.

Schedule, Plan, Organize!

Even if I didn’t do what I do, I would probably still plan, schedule and organize because that is who I am. That is who my sister is, that is who my mom is. It is a part of my blood. If you are not much of a scheduler, or if you like to plan things but do not know where to start or if you’re like the bazillion of people out there that just want to feel like they have their stuff together, then I got you, my friend.

I use these awesome organizer tools that I am listing below…

In addition to these things that I print out, I also make sure to keep my planners. I literally use 3, though I could do it all in one I am afraid it might get chaotic. You can use one and keep all of your to-dos in it, and plan, schedule, and stay on top of things.

Here are some other great resources, plus some prettttty awesome agendas you might want to take a look at… Christmas is coming up!


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Pros and Cons of Freelance Work Fri, 20 Oct 2017 16:07:50 +0000 Are you thinking about doing some Freelance work?  If you are, here are some good points that you just may want to consider. This will help before making that huge

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Are you thinking about doing some Freelance work? 

If you are, here are some good points that you just may want to consider. This will help before making that huge step in your life. Freelance work has a lot of pros and cons that come with it. Not only that, but it also means you need to find out if this is something that is going to work with you and your lifestyle in the long run. 

Flexibility of Freelance Work


Those who work as a Freelancer generally do have a more flexible schedule than those who have that 9 to 5 job.  More flexibility in your schedule means that you will be able to set the hours that you actually work. You can choose what assignments that you want to do. You also work around family commitments and your social life.  Keep in mind that you still will have those deadlines, but as long as you make then you can even take the day off if needed.


Now, do not be fooled you will not be spending your whole day playing with your children.  If you do not have a structured schedule that work can pile up.  If a deadline suddenly sneaks up on you, you will have to cancel that family outing or work through the night in order to meet it.

Also, if you take the day off – you don’t get paid for this work. There is no salary, you work for yourself.

Office Politics Within Freelance Work


If you choose to go the route of Freelance work, you will not have to deal with what is known as office politics.  You will not be tied to a single organization, in fact, most freelancers have several clients from different organizations.  Most of the time you will actually be working remotely, you complete your assignment by the deadline and hand it in.


Depending on what type of freelance work you are planning on doing, you just may have to deal with your clients’ office politics.  This may or may not effect you, depending on what you feel about their point of view. (However, another PRO to this is, you don’t have to work with a client if you don’t want too, you can actually pass on their work)

Benefits of Freelance Work


You get to choose when you want to work, when to take a vacation, and what you want to go too. This might add up to something in the long run, of course, it does come with its downfall.


When you are a Freelancer this generally means that you own your own company and are on your own.  You will have to arrange for your own health insurance.  When you need a day off you will not get paid for it.  In other words, there is no sick days, personal days, or even holiday pay.

Be in Control


Since you are the owner of your company you have total control over what you do.  You will be choosing what you work on and when you will be working on it.  If a particular job does not meet your standards you will have the authority to reject it.


With most things not everything can be peaches and cream, you still have to pay those bills so unless you have a stash of cash you will have to take on some of those not so interesting jobs.

The other issue is that you will, of course, have many bosses, one comes with each and every assignment that is taken on.  Each of them will have their very own set of instructions that you will have to follow.

These are just a few points in which you will want to consider when thinking about freelance work.  So, take your time and do your research before you find that you jumped into something that is above your head.

It is something that not everyone is cut out to do, but it is definitely something that a lot of people are leaning towards now, especially with a loaded workforce and jobs being hard to come by.

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I’m Often Asked… “What Can I Do For You?” Wed, 08 Mar 2017 03:14:53 +0000 When it comes to what I can do for you, there are so many answers that I could give. Whether it is marketing that you want, a website that you

The post I’m Often Asked… “What Can I Do For You?” appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

do for you

When it comes to what I can do for you, there are so many answers that I could give. Whether it is marketing that you want, a website that you need or just really persuasive content. I can provide a large variation of types of services that not only get you seen, but captivate the audience that you’re trying to impress.

So What Exactly Can I Do For You?

I am a content writer, but I also can develop simple, beautiful websites, as well provide the backend marketing that many companies need when it comes to showcasing their talents online. With my help many companies were able to find themselves on search engines, have a beautiful website to send their customers and clients too, while also feeling proud of the work that they perform.

Without my help, a lot of companies do not get the web presence that could actually be quite beneficial to them. This can become a problem if you find that you’re having a hard time reaching an audience.

Why Do I Do it?

In my life of work, I have to go out there and find jobs for myself, find long term client and even some short term. However, I provide them with something valuable, so that if they ever needed any future help, they’d come to me to find it.

I can be your eyes and ears on the internet. I can put your name out there and make sure it is whispered. I can give you something to share with those around you that you’re thinking of working with. Whatever it is that you want to have done with your website, content or marketing online, I can be the one to help you achieve everything that you need to have done.

Learn more about why you might need website content for your business, or if you’re already considering an online presence, then make sure to reach out and contact me today. We can discuss your online presence or lack of in more detail!

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Gaining Content Work in an Overloaded Workforce Wed, 01 Mar 2017 18:46:17 +0000 With more and more people looking to make money in easier than a 9-5 type of job way, it is no wonder the content world is becoming increasingly saturated with

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With more and more people looking to make money in easier than a 9-5 type of job way, it is no wonder the content world is becoming increasingly saturated with writers. However, how good are these writers? How much do they charge? What value or services do they bring to the table?

Those That Have Been in Content Writing a Long Time

If you’re like me and have been in the content writing business a long time, then you know it is important to have some sort of specialty and credentials to back you up against the grueling workforce that has become our life.

With me, it is my marketing degree and specialized areas that bring the most attention.

Not everyone is able to provide these skills and I am sure other long-time writers have their own niches that they practice in.

These new writers do not have much going for them but a newly found freelance writing freedom and the ability to work for pennies. Should companies hire them to save a buck?

Whether or Not Companies Should Hire Newbies 

Being new to the freelance writing world is not a bad thing. It means you can get your feet wet, learn a bit and create a specialty all your own. By no means does this mean that you should give up or stop taking on jobs.

However, businesses that want custom-tailored, SEO rich, quality content should probably search for an expert in the industry. Those businesses that want to just throw up a website and create something just to have a presence there to show their clients, give the newbie a shot, why not?

Great content is what is going to drive traffic to your website. It is what is going to back you up when it comes to finding diversity in the niche that you work in. This can be something that newbies learn, but you might not have the time for them to take the time to learn on their own.

Welcome to all newbies in the freelance writing world and welcome to all businesses that want to work with experts and newbies alike in the field. With that being said, here is a guide to helping newbies get off to a great start in this content building industry.

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Website Content: Why is it So Important? Tue, 03 Jan 2017 02:51:45 +0000 Website content is one of the most important aspects of having an online presence. Not only is it good for companies, big and small but also individuals looking to gain

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Website content is one of the most important aspects of having an online presence. Not only is it good for companies, big and small but also individuals looking to gain attention.

When you work with someone that understands SEO and the importance of quality content, you’re working with someone that can build your name, your business’s name and get you seen by the target audience of your choosing.

Why is Website Content Important?

If you’re looking to move out of the everyday thing and move into the world around you, then the internet is the first place you’re going to go to find the customers you want.

However, how do you reach these customers? Where would you start?

You’d have to work with a marketer and content writer that understands how to market your company through website content and marketing means so you can be seen.

Not only does the content have to be enriching and provide value to the reader, but it also has to be optimized correctly in order to get the right amount of views.

More views mean more potential customers and clients for your company. This is due to having the search engines pick up on these keywords and provide your website as one of the many that can be found when those words are searched for.

Overview of Benefits of Having Website Content 

Here is a brief bulleted list that showcases the benefits of having high-quality website content for your business:

  • Be seen on search engines
  • Have enriching, valuable content for your readers
  • Have a link that potential clients and customers can visit
  • Provide more information to those that want to know more about you and what you do
  • Enjoy the benefits of growing with the technology around you

As always, it is important to hire a professional content writer for your website content. They can not only provide thorough SEO work but enriching, helpful content that can engage the customers and clients and help them reach you better. Here is more information about creating engaging website content for your business.

The post Website Content: Why is it So Important? appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.
