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Communication is best described as the means of sending and receiving information. Communication is important in everyday life from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep. It is one of the most important parts of our lives. 

Not only is communication vital to our personal lives, but also in the workplace. 

Do you think you’re good at communication? Could you and your team use more help clearing up those communication boundaries? Do you want to push the limits when it comes to sharing information back and forth? 

Communication is not just about giving information. It’s also about being able to receive it in the most useful, practical way. 

Group of People Sitting Indoors

How are your communication skills?

By learning communication best practices, you can take advantage of a number of benefits you wouldn’t otherwise enjoy- even if you think you’re already really good at communicating. Life is always about improving, and communication is ever-changing. Its changing nature makes communication a valuable skill to work on regularly. 

Types of Workplace Communication

There are a number of workplace communication types. The method of communication that you rely on will determine how to deliver the message and how to phrase your information for the best result. 

The most common forms of workplace communication include, but are not limited to:

  • Written
  • Verbal
  • Non-Verbal ie: gestures, head nods, etc. 

In the workplace, these three main forms of communication are generally used:

  • In company emails, newsletters, announcements, etc. 
  • Voicemails 
  • Video conferencing 
  • In-person meetings 
  • Marketing [digital, in-person]

Every method of communication has a purpose, and each is equally important. Understanding the best way to provide feedback and offer information to colleagues is even vitally important because transferring information is how most business is conducted.

Communication Aligning with Company Values

Having clear communication, company communication channels, expectations and internal as well as external communications should all be aligned with the company’s values. Communicating these core values to employees so they’re able to act upon them in the clearest, truest form of communication will build a better company all around. 

Consider the values in your company. What do you hold close?

  • Integrity
  • Honesty
  • Accountability 
  • Fairness
  • Teamwork 
  • Customer Relations 

By communicating effectively, both with clients and customers, but also employees you’re expanding your business. 

Happy ethnic woman sitting at table with laptop

Working Remotely Doesn’t Have to Hinder the Communication Channel

As times change and more and more businesses are turning to remote working models, this still does not have to hinder or dilute the communication channel. Opening up communication channels remotely and using what has been effective for previous companies in the past can greatly help your company excel. 

  1. Use a project management tool that helps align teams and keep them better organized 
  2. Build a strong, stable feedback culture for your team
  1. Rethink employee performance metrics 
  2. Always have time for small talk 
  3. Gamify employee feedback
  4. Set healthy norms for effective communication
  1. Use purposes for each communication tool 
  2. Cater to employees in different time zones 
  3. Determine what types of communication are appropriate, and which are not
  4. Provide encouragement 

Organizing and having clear expectations that align with your company’s values will help the communication not just do better, but excel. This, in turn, helps your team grow and provide value to the company.

The Best Method of Transferring Information in the Workplace

There are a number of methods of transferring information between the different levels of a workplace. Employees and employers must communicate regularly, and they’ll have to do so using different techniques.  The right method depends on your specific workplace, as well as the information being transferred. 

Depending on what information you’re sharing, there are positive ways to transfer information, and there are ways that should not be considered. For example, you wouldn’t let go of an employee over an email. That’s far too impersonal and uncaring for such an emotional task! Instead, you should bring them into the office and break the news to them as gently as possible.

There are many other best practices that should be followed for workplace communication. The tactic that you use should change for different situations and environments. 

Communication in the workplace should be face-to-face whenever possible. This creates lasting bonds that emails can’t replicate. 

During the communication process, provide clear, simple information that allows the listener to easily digest what information you’re giving. Remember to listen to what they have to say, as well and that their feelings matter too. However, they are just that… feelings. 

Hearing the individual is a good start, but you want to actually listen to what they are saying and engage them in the conversation by asking questions. This is the only way to effectively communicate. 

Any conflicts should be handled with professionalism and diplomacy. The relationship style that you choose to use is what will make or break your professionalism, track record, and relationships with your employees. 

It is important to note that there are communication styles that can kill any relationship – even well-maintained relationships are at risk.

  1. Criticism – verbally attacking the personality or character of someone.
  2. Contempt – attacking a sense of self with the intention to insult and psychology abuse the person. 
  3. Defensiveness – playing the victim to ward off the perceived attach and reversing the blame from them to someone else. 
  4. Stonewalling – withdrawing as a way to avoid conflict in an effort to convey disapproval, distance, and separation. 

These communication styles cause more harm than good, and they are not an effective way to communicate – both in and outside of the workplace. 

Let’s take a look at some examples of harder-to-manage conversations… 

What if the conversation is difficult, tense, or sensitive? 

  • Ground yourself
  • Take control of the situation 
  • Stay calm, clear, and effective – know your end game
  • Listen intently and focus on the employee’s emotions 
  • Utilize your problem-solving skills to resolve any conflict effectively  

What if you, yourself become triggered or upset during a conversation? 

  • Check-in with yourself 
  • Pause before speaking to maintain clarity and poise 
  • Walk away if you have to 
  • Keep yourself under control during this time, remain level-headed, and know that your feelings are validated (so are those of the other person)

Releasing these negative feelings on your own time is healthy, but unraveling and unleashing them on someone else is not. 

They are just feelings, not facts. Don’t allow your feelings to derail a conversation or injure your workplace relationships. Having your feelings under control during a tense conversation is the only way to resolve conflicts and come to a mutual understanding with your colleagues and employees. 

Listening generously is one of the best ways to create more meaningful communication. Listen completely, with empathy and understanding. Listen for what the person really wants and needs

Women at the Meeting

Consider This…

What opportunities are generated from this conversation? What steps should you take next after carefully listening to the other person? 

Use this information while listening to lead the individual and help resolve the problem that you and the other person are facing.  There are several techniques available that you can use to have a strong conversation. These will be discussed below in practical strategies for technical communication. 

There are also many positive communication tools that you can use to boost your team’s morale, while also making you into a stronger leader overall. 

Resolving Conflicts in the Most Professional Manner

Any conflicts should be handled with professionalism and diplomacy. The relationship style that you choose to use is what will make or break your professionalism, track record, and relationships with your employees. 

It is important to note that there are communication styles that can kill any relationship – even well-maintained relationships are at risk. Dr. John Gottman shows us the following…

  1. Criticism – verbally attacking the personality or character of someone.
  2. Contempt – attacking a sense of self with the intention to insult and psychologically abuse the person. 
  3. Defensiveness – playing the victim to ward off the perceived attach and reversing the blame from them to someone else. 
  4. Stonewalling – withdrawing as a way to avoid conflict in an effort to convey disapproval, distance, and separation. 

These communication styles cause more harm than good, and they are not an effective way to communicate – both in and outside of the workplace. 

Benefits of Great Communication Practices in the Workplace 

There are numerous benefits of great communication in the workplace. To be considered as a diverse space, it is imperative that you know how to communicate with everyone in the workplace, especially if you hold an important position in the company. 

Even if you don’t think you’re clearly, accurately, and helpfully communicating; this is a skill that can be cultivated

The benefits of enhancing communication in your office include, but are not limited to:

  • Powering productivity throughout the workplace
  • Mitigating conflict early on
  • Increasing overall loyalty and job satisfaction among employees
  • Improving overall public relations
  • Fueling creativity and performance 
  • Building on existing skills 
  • Encouraging teamwork and trust between all collaborators 

Practical Strategies for Workplace Communication

There are a number of practical strategies for communication that should be considered. By harnessing the power of both listening and positive communication practices; you’re building your team up for success. You’re giving them the power they need to excel in the company and elevating your team. 

Start with Powerful Questions That Reframe Your Game

Start off on the right foot by showing that you’re an effective leader. Asking strong questions is the best way to show that you’re capable and to keep your business running efficiently. Good questions show that you were listening intently while showing your stance on important subjects. When asked well, high-quality questions are the most efficient way to resolve issues in your business and to keep your employees and colleagues moving forward with what needs to be done.  

Some strong questions include, but are not limited to:

Problem-focused: What is the problem?

Solutions focused: What would you like to do about this? What can I do about this? 

Problem-focused: Why do you do that?

Solutions Focused:  What made you decide this was the right step?

Problem-focused: Why is this an issue for you?

Solutions focused: What do you suggest we do differently? 

Problem-focused: Why didn’t you do this? 

Solutions focused: What additional information can I provide to complete this task?  

Problem-focused: Who is to blame?

Solutions focused: How can help?

High-quality questions validate the other person’s feelings while maintaining a positive solution-focused mindset. 

Good questions ensure that everyone is effectively communicating while leaving you in complete control of the situation. 

Listening to what they say and then validating (not just agreeing) their feelings and empathizing with them is the most effective form of communication in the business world and in everyday life in most situations. 

Making an effort to relate with the individual is another useful way to build trust and understanding.

Tip: Use stories explaining similar situations that you’ve been through to relate and to show that their current feelings are valid and you’ll create a bond with the person at the same time. 

Be careful to avoid spending too much time on stories about your past experiences though. While it’s good to relate with the individual, the conversation should still focus on their problems the majority of the time. 

Maintain a solution-focused dialogue with the other person, and spend most of the time addressing their feelings and the current situation. This is all a part of effective communication in the workplace.

Group Of People Studying Together

Other Phrases That Help with Effective Communication

Choosing the right phrases or how to say something is important. We will go over some examples of positive communication and the phrases you could use in your everyday dialogue with your team. 

Picking the right moment phrases: 

  • You asked me to look at ____, is now a good moment to talk about it?
  • Are you interested in some feedback on …?
  • Would you like a few pointers on your … ?
  • Are you open to talking about this right now? 
  • Are you available for a conversation about….? 
  • Are you up for a chat about…..? 

Talking about improvements

After you’ve delivered your feedback the question is: Where does it go from here? Here are some phrases that you can use to ask for ideas or make suggestions: “Powerful Questions will get you there!!!”

  • Have you got any ideas on how could you do this differently in future?
  • How do you suggest improving on this next time?
  • What could you do to … ?
  • How else could you … ?
  • Can you think of any alternatives … ? 
  • Have you considered…?
  • What do you think about…?

5 powerful phrases for work

“I see where you’re going with this … “

“Here’s what I need you to improve.”

“We are off to a great start.”

“This is really creative. Let’s look if we can fine tune your approach.”

Helpful Examples how to communicate feelings: A productive way to use “I” statements

“I” feel [emotion] when [situation/context/challenge]  ” 

For example: 


 “You always make me late because you never tell me our plans in advance”

 “I” Statement

 “I feel stressed out when you don’t update me about our plans.” 


 “You always talk about your amazing weekend when you know I have no days off.” 

“I” Statement

 “I feel left out when I can’t join in your weekend plans.”

By utilizing these statements and reframing the way you communicate, everyone will be in a healthier workplace because of it. 

Feedback is a Powerful Tool in Itself

Remember, do not use negativity during any conversations, as this hinders open communication between you and your employees. 

Always provide positive feedback during the conversation when possible. By focusing on the positive you’ll make your employees feel more confident and improve productivity. Here are some positive examples that can really help you grow as a team…

  • It feels like you are being very generous with your time
  • It seems like you are very happy about this
  • It sounds like this makes you feel very seen

Always provide positive feedback, which is the next step to effective communication. You need to offer something beneficial or uplifting to the communicator that is relevant to what you’re talking about. 

If you can make the individual feel good, your interaction will be significantly more productive.

 Here is the best way to provide positive affirmation while having a conversation and providing feedback to the person.

  1. Positives –  Start the conversation by focusing on any positives you notice for a given situation. Try and explain that you see their overall contribution and that you value them as a person. 
  2. Situation – When delivering feedback, outline the situation you are referring to clearly. Offer specific details so that the other person understands what you’re explaining and ask questions that verify that your information makes sense to them.
  3. Behavior – Then, you must be specific about the behavior you are addressing. Again, be very specific. Do not make assumptions about a person’s behavior and only remark about specific observations that you’ve made yourself. 
  4. Impact – To sum up your feedback, carefully explain how the behavior in the situation is affecting you as a person, the people around you, or your team. (It’s often helpful to acknowledge intention even if the unintended consequences or impact was possibly different and potentially negative. Someone can have good intentions and still cause issues, and it’s important to acknowledge those intentions before addressing the problem.) 
  5. Solution – Give possible solutions, At the end of giving feedback, it’s important to offer a clear way forward to resolve the issue. Teach, don’t criticize. Make it into a teachable moment. It’s important to suggest improvements for the future in a motivating, respectful, and positive way.

Examples of providing positive feedback, even in situations where it might not be as positive as you’d like:

Start by mentioning the positives

You can use phrases such as the following to introduce praise, to talk about strong points and aspects which you feel the recipient handled well.

  • I thought … was very effective.
  • I really like the way you …
  • I appreciate it when you….
  • I can see you’ve put a lot of work into …
  • What I liked most about …

Describing negative points you observed when you describe the situation and behavior

To avoid sounding reproachful, accusatory, or even aggressive use neutral language and describe what you observed as specifically as possible.

  • When you did X…., I noticed that …
  • At several points during the conversation, I noticed that you …
  • When I read your email, I didn’t quite understand …
  • It seems to me that …
  • It seems you feel  …

Explaining the (possible) impact

You can use the following phrases to explain what effect the behavior mentioned had on you or what effect you fear it may have had or will have on others.

  • This meant that I …
  • For me, this came across as being …
  • This annoyed/surprised / confused me, because …
  • I’m worried that this will lead to /result in …
  • I think there’s a risk that …

Talking about improvements

After you’ve delivered your feedback the question is: Where does it go from here? Here are some phrases that you can use to ask for ideas or make suggestions: “Powerful Questions will get you there!!!”

  • Have you got any ideas on how could you do this differently in the future?
  • How do you suggest improving on this next time?
  • What could you do to … ?
  • How else could you … ?
  • Can you think of any alternatives … ? 
  • Have you considered…?
  • What do you think about…?

Remember, in most situations, the other person has nothing wrong with them and that most problems arise from poor communication, not from poor intentions. 

Improving the communication channels throughout your workplace will alleviate most issues you’re experiencing and should bolster productivity. 

Group of young glad businesswomen in trendy elegant outfits smiling and discussing business strategy in contemporary workspace

The Art of Positive Communication

Communication best practices aren’t just simple actions or things you’re supposed to be doing. Effective communication is an art. There is a specific way that things should be said or conveyed to others, both in and out of the workplace. 

It is important that positive communication is always used, even when giving negative information. The way you say things determines whether you’re an effective leader or not. Your communication skills impact how productive and profitable your team is too. 

Do you know how to lead a difficult conversation during tense or sensitive situations? 

You have to ground yourself and take control of the situation. No matter how tough the topic is, you must be calm, clear, and effective. Listen intently, focus on your colleague’s emotions and utilize your problem-solving skills to resolve conflicts effectively.   

What if you’re triggered or upset during a conversation? 

Conflicts will arise at work, and it’s common to be confronted by upsetting situations during some of your conversations. When this happens, check in with yourself and pause before speaking to maintain clarity and poise. Walk away if you have to. Keep yourself under control during this time, remain level-headed, and know that your feelings are validated (so are those of the other person).

Effective communication really comes down to delivering a clear, concise message in a positive way and being able to really listen when a person is speaking with you. As a leader, it is up to you to do this. Allow yourself the time to take a breath and to get a clear understanding of each new situation. From there, increase productivity in your team with open, honest, and trusting communication between everyone. 

The post Giving and Receiving Information in the Workplace for Better Employee Retention appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

3 Tips for Writing Catchy Headlines Thu, 23 May 2019 13:14:01 +0000 Content marketing efforts are continuously increasing for modern brands, as is the significance of writing catchy headlines for online copy. Whether those clickable headlines are for an email blast, a

The post 3 Tips for Writing Catchy Headlines appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

Content marketing efforts are continuously increasing for modern brands, as is the significance of writing catchy headlines for online copy. Whether those clickable headlines are for an email blast, a blog post, a press release, or a leadership article, the title of your piece must grab the attention of the reader and persuade them to continue reading.

This is much easier said than done, of course! Consumers are blasted daily with marketing content and advertisements, so you need to improve your approach to cut through the clutter. Here are three tips for writing headlines your readers can’t resist:

1. Use Uncomplicated but Strong Language

When writing a headline, the first thing you must learn is about making it attractive. The language you choose to include in your headline is what dictates the contents click-worthiness. Using bland, unknown, uninspiring, hard to pronounce words quickly turns the reader off. Consider the blog topics you read. Chances are, you choose ones with easy to read titles, that are short and concise.

On your next writing project, consider staying with language that is uncomplicated, yet powerful.

2. Use Keywords that Have High Search Value

If people are not interested in the topic then there is not much use in creating a video or running an ad. Make sure each headline you write targets a specific keyword if you are writing content with an online search in mind. As the old saying goes, “Work smarter not harder.” Be sure to research which keywords are popular to ensure your catchy headline is optimized to drive traffic.

To find relevant keywords there is numerous tool available. When you search for something on Google, they can be found on the bottom of the page. There are also software and websites such as SEMrush, who find the best keywords for the topic. Simply type in possible keywords and chose the words with the highest volume.

3. Include a Number in Your Catchy Headline

This tip should not go unnoted even though it may seem somewhat horribly obvious. If you are unsure of how to write a headline that is catchy enough to immediately grab the reader’s attention, one of the easiest choices is including numbers.

People are naturally attracted to numbers and lists since writing this way is simpler to digest. For those readers who are looking for a way to accomplish something that they are unsure of how to do, following numbered steps in order are perfect. As a human, we hate uncertainty and enjoy predictability. Research has shown that numbers included in headlines consistently outperform those that do not. It is also important to note that odd numbers perform better than even.

The right content is going to really sell the product, service, or brand. First, you have to hook them in!

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5 Actionable Tips to Use as a Freelancer Mon, 20 May 2019 13:06:43 +0000 In a report by Upwork and Freelancers Union, it was revealed that 35 percent of American workers have left the “9 – 5” life to become a freelancer. In fact,

The post 5 Actionable Tips to Use as a Freelancer appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

In a report by Upwork and Freelancers Union, it was revealed that 35 percent of American workers have left the “9 – 5” life to become a freelancer. In fact, this number is increasing and is expected to almost double in the next 4 years. So, if you are considering a freelancing lifestyle or are a veteran, here are some tips to help you succeed:

1. Always use a contract

This is one of the most common mistakes that those new to freelancing make. Be sure to use a contract for every client project. However, don’t get caught up searching for the perfect contract. It’s okay, to begin with, a template and improve on it along the way.

Having basic terms in the contract helps to protect you, while also informing the client the way you work.

2. Get a down payment from every client

A big issue heard by freelancers is not getting paid on time or the client stiffing them. To ensure you receive payment, require a down payment upfront of perhaps 50 percent before starting any work. Be sure to make this clear in any preliminary discussions as well as your contract.

It should raise a red flag if a client has an issue with this requirement. While there is a possibility this is the first time, they’ve contracted freelance services, your guard should still be raised. If the potential client refuses again, move on.

3. Do not be scared to say “no”

It can be difficult to say no. This is especially true if you are like some people who are generous and want others you work with to feel happy. You offer to help in any possible way as to not disappoint anyone, but you don’t realize the strenuous load it’ll place on you.

Remember this – you will disappoint someone, no matter what you do.

Whether it be your family because of the long hours you’ve been working, the client as you’re unable to deliver 50 percent through the project, you’re extremely stressed from the extra work you took on.

So, learn to get comfortable with saying “no”.

4. Focus your freelance business

Many freelancers are unable to find enough work and have a difficult time getting their name out there.

Make everything easier on you by focusing on your brand identity and the type of projects you take. From charging higher rates to marketing to actually delivering the work. Choose one or two services only and be sure to only take work that falls in one of the two categories. Everything else, turn down.

After making you’re your decision on what services to specialize in, this needs to translate into your own brand. Everything on your website should be reworded to those phrases and keywords, only display that type of work in your portfolio, and begin producing content around those two services as a testimony to your expertise.

5. Write, Write, Write

This tip is the most important – write. It does not matter if you believe you’re not a good writer; by writing, your name gets out there, and the client finds you.

Good writing comes with practice.

Take a few minutes and watch this video by Sean McCabe to learn why writing is important to your freelancing:

It All Starts with Writing

I’m sure after reading this post and watching the video, you’ll understand why writing is so important to your freelance.

The post 5 Actionable Tips to Use as a Freelancer appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

5 Ways to Stay Away from Burnout Thu, 16 May 2019 13:05:35 +0000 Balancing multiple jobs, grueling workouts, crazy class schedules, sometimes life can get a little crazy. Everyone has been there – stressed, exhausted, and likely a somewhat crabby, all due to

The post 5 Ways to Stay Away from Burnout appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

Balancing multiple jobs, grueling workouts, crazy class schedules, sometimes life can get a little crazy. Everyone has been there – stressed, exhausted, and likely a somewhat crabby, all due to attempting to do too much. And because of all this, the dreaded burnout has become way too easy to experience.

Not only that, but being a freelancer or business owner means burnouts can happen, and they can happen quickly.

What is burnout?

Burnout is the state of constant stress, where no matter what you do it feels as if you can’t break from the slump. Some signs include emotional and physical fatigue, insomnia, detachment, negative feelings like cynicism or anger, and lack of focus. If you are experiencing burnout, your personality will shift, job performance suffers, and you will be too tired to function.

Here are five ways to stay away from burnout:

1. Sleep

One of the symptoms of burnout is insomnia, and when you are unable to sleep, your brain does not function at its optimal level. There are other serious consequences as well when you do not get enough sleep, including increased risk of traffic accidents, lack of judgment, and increased risk of developing chronic diseases like depression, hypertension, cancer, and diabetes.

Obtaining enough sleep is vital to both your happiness and health. Studies have shown that adults require 7-9 hours of sleep each night to function at their prime.

2. Laugh

Science has proven laughing has many short and long-term effects and relieves stress. In fact, every study conducted on this subject has shown positive results. And let’s face it, it is difficult to be angry and cynical when laughing hard. So, try to interact more with the funny people at work. Hang out with your funniest friend. Seriously, laugh away your stress!

3. Exercise

Exercise is crucial to both your physical and mental health. Participating in regular exercise improves self-confidence, increases productivity, reduces levels of stress, prevents cognitive decline, and improves memory. Knowing you are taking care of yourself as well as gaining improved energy from moving rather than sitting all day, helps to prevent that emotional and physical exhaustion that leads to burnout.

4. Socialize

Everyone needs emotional fulfillment, and spending time with people outside of work can provide you with some. Making work your whole life, and only socializing at work, leaves you burned out emotionally detached from people you would typically hang out with after work. To keep you active and engaged, try to schedule regular social activities. Perhaps a weekly movie night or a Sunday brunch would be an ideal plan.

5. Learn to Say No

Saying yes to everything can be easy, especially with a go-getter mentality. However, saying no to some things in your career is important if you are going to remain engaged, energetic, and excited about your work. Determine what is most important (or necessary) to your work and remain on those projects and events.

Burnout is harmful, stressful, and a hindrance on your personal and work life. However, you do not need to get to that point! Burnout can sneak up on you, so pay attention to where you are at when you get emotional. Every one in a while, check in with yourself to be sure you are treating yourself well, not overworking or extending your stress levels.

The post 5 Ways to Stay Away from Burnout appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

The Best Thing in Freelancing: Retainers Fri, 30 Nov 2018 15:24:17 +0000 It is important as a freelancer that you know how to get and keep retainers because these are going to help you a lot as you go along. With these

The post The Best Thing in Freelancing: Retainers appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

It is important as a freelancer that you know how to get and keep retainers because these are going to help you a lot as you go along. With these retainers in your possession, you will quickly learn that they bring much more to the table than you originally thought. Of course, working with some of the best clients out there is also high in my books.

Retainers are harder to get then one-off jobs, so it is important to think about perhaps offering this service to clients that you speak with. They can really save you in the long run. This agreement brings employment and freelancing together to hold hands and make the freelancer happier with the outcome.

What is a Retainer?

Many freelancers might not even know what a retainer is. However, with the right information, being a freelancer is going to get much easier for you overall. A retainer is much like an agreement. The freelancer submits a specific set amount of work every month and the employer pays a specific amount for the work.

Retainers Do Not Come Right Away

Hoping it is easy to get a retainer is something that can be easy to do. You have stars in your eyes and hopes and dreams to reach. You might have to work with the client on one-off projects until you feel comfortable enough to pitch a retainer idea. This is especially helpful if they continue to use you for these one-off projects.

However, it is also important to note that not all clients are the “retainer” types. They need to be a long-term client that needs steady work throughout the year for this to work out. Plus, you have to feel comfortable enough to trust them and for them to trust you.

Offer All Services They Might Need

You don’t have to run out and learn to code right away, but knowing how to build a simple website to go with your content writing, or marketing or whatever you do is helpful. Getting an employer to work with you on retainer is ideal in many ways, but not having more than the one thing to offer them might make them think harder about this agreement than they really need too when you pitch the idea to them.

Writing Up Your Retainer 

Your retainer is going to work much like a contract, so you need to write one up so that everyone is in agreement on the terms. Just make sure to add these important tidbits so that everyone has what they need from the deal.

  • How much work is being delivered every month
  • The amount it will cost, as well as your payment information
  • Include any expenses or other things the client has to cover
  • The length of time the retainer is good for, usually, it is a year to two years
  • Revisions and if they are included, if they are, how many?
  • A sign off stating that the client owns the content once it is completed
  • Having an under or over usage of the content – when a client skips a month, they still need to pay and some freelancers provide a credit to recoup some articles missed during the next month, though not all
  • Cancellation policies of the retainer, which usually means the client needs to give 30 days notice of their intent to do so

Making a retainer last a while is important. When the working relationship is a strong one, then retainers can work smoothly between the client and the freelancer. They can even provide a strong recommendation for others that they know looking for the same type of services. A retainer is thandeal way to work as a freelancer and it provides more stability in times of need.

The post The Best Thing in Freelancing: Retainers appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

4 Skills to Help You Grow Your Freelance Career Mon, 05 Nov 2018 21:55:05 +0000 Doing anything freelance is daunting because there are no guarantees in freelance anything. This means trusting in your gut and just doing what needs to be done. However, your freelance

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Doing anything freelance is daunting because there are no guarantees in freelance anything. This means trusting in your gut and just doing what needs to be done. However, your freelance career needs to be jump started and the only way to do this is through these useful skills. You may or may not have them, you might have to develop them, you might have to grow them, you might have to acquire them; whatever you have to do – just do it!

Make sure that you’re ready to grow these skills, because come 2019, you’re going to need them to hang onto. You’re going to want to wish you built them up before the big boom comes. While this sounds scary, it’s really not. I am just being theatrical and trying to get my point across.

Moving onto the skills needed, here are the four biggest and best skills to have that can actually help you grow your freelance career.

1. Have a Diverse Portfolio

While one particular area might suit you best, which it does for many, there are many benefits to having a large, all-inclusive portfolio that lists many of your strong suits. You might be great at writing landing pages or sales emails, but you’re also good at putting together decent websites – show these skills off! There is no right or wrong way to showcase yourself, even if you do more than one thing!

2. Have a Personal Website for Your Freelance Career

Having a personal website means you mean business. However, you have to keep it up-to-date. If you have old news on there, no one is going to look at it. If it looks like it was made 20 years ago, again, no one will be impressed. Change with the times, just like they are going to want to change with the times. Impress!

3. Always Deliver More Than Whats Expected

Delivering more than what is expected to the client is always going to go over well. If you impress them, they’re going to send more people your way. Not only that, but they’re going to want to keep using you for all of the work that they have. You will become a regular and have a strong working relationship. Hey, you might even get a bit of a raise out of it! Do well, do more, and impress!

4. Maintain and Use Social Media

Having social media means a lot for those that have internet-related jobs. If this is your profession, then you need social media. This allows you to network, get your name out there, get seen, get known and then get hired! Without the World Wide Web behind you, you might find that reaching those goals of actually making a living is harder than you originally thought.

It is important to do what is best for your freelance career. If you’re able to do this, you won’t have to worry about what comes next. You will make a name for yourself and allow yourself to have a comfortable profession doing something that is rewarding and enriching. The best part is that as a freelancer, you choose who to work for!

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Top Marketing Changes to Expect This Year Mon, 08 Oct 2018 18:55:38 +0000 Changes are always expected throughout the year whether they are in the marketing niche, sales force, technology department or anywhere else that you turn. Due to this, it is important

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Changes are always expected throughout the year whether they are in the marketing niche, sales force, technology department or anywhere else that you turn. Due to this, it is important for those busy professionals (especially those in marketing and sales) to stay on top of the changes in the industry. These changes are going to make a difference when trying to sell to those around you.

Your audience is constantly changing. Not only is the world we live in constantly on the move, but those in the world that you sell too, that you speak with, that you need to convince all have different views that change.

Your company changes.

Regardless of what you think about change, it happens. It happens more than we even realize.

Learning is essential to any professional because they need to stay on top of this change. You wouldn’t want a doctor that couldn’t keep up on the sanitation changes that were updated, so why would your audience, your client base, your customers want to work with a company that doesn’t adapt, revolve and change themselves to fit the needs of those that they work with?

To provide the best for your audience, you have to change with them

Just like a caterpillar changes to a butterfly, you have to change into something that is needed or wanted.

These top changes are currently taking place in the marketing world and you can be on top of the change.

People are shying away from traditional ads

No one could have expected traditional ads to go out of style, but it is true. More and more people are putting their trust in people that they know or that can show value to them personally, not those that have ads that do well. Close to 30% of all people that use the internet are using ad blockers. That means you’re not even being seen!

Social media will continue to grow

If you’re not into the whole social media scene and you’re a marketer, then you might want to think about changing that. You cannot be a game changer in this world if you don’t have the right connections, the right friends, the right profile. Social media is one of the biggest and best ways to market any company, big or small because everyone uses them. Millions upon millions of users sign up every year for social media websites, even older generations are starting to use them. It is expected that by 2020, almost everyone is going to have a profile. That means you want to have a way to reach them.

Be a game changer in the market

While you might think that one thing works better than another because everyone is doing it. This isn’t the case. The more creative you are, the more you think out of the box and do things differently from everyone else, the more you’re going to be recognized for it. Use being a marketer to do something different, something bold, something creative. You’ll really be a game changer and get noticed that way.

Video is the new thing

Pictures, videos and everything visual is the new way to send your message. Usually, this attracts attention when before words would do the same thing. However, it has been shown that videos account for over 80% of internet traffic today. This means that if you have video, you’re more likely to be noticed, to be looked into and of course, to be used. Video is the new wave of the future and soon, it might just be the only way. YouTube and Instagram are hitting the ground running with video, but there are many other outlets that can be used, as well.

It is vital that you know how your clients and customers communicate

You don’t want to disappoint, that’s not why you’re here. However, it is important to note how your customers and clients communicate. If they work with you, they will expect you to provide them with a form of communication that they feel the most comfortable with – via, email, phone, instant messaging, whatever. You can conference the day away with them if that is what makes them comfortable. They want one-on-one time and they want it in a way they feel comfortable communicating. This means that more and more marketers have to be flexible and open.

Learn more about the changes that are expected this year to stay on top of the trends. Be the business that is always one step ahead of those that are relying on you to deliver. If you can do this, your business is sure to make it to the top. If it is something that is going to help you, then why not do it?

Change doesn’t have to be a bad thing, it can be a good one – for everyone involved. 2019 is set to be the change that the marketing and small business world needs.


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10 Places to Write From Instead of Your Home Office Fri, 14 Sep 2018 23:56:21 +0000 Sure you must find your home office a peaceful place to sit and do your work.  But, many times I am sure you just want a change of scenery in

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Sure you must find your home office a peaceful place to sit and do your work.  But, many times I am sure you just want a change of scenery in order to concentrate just a little better.  Thankfully, you are not confined to just that home office, you are able to take your work with you any place you may want to sit and work.

The following is a listing of the top 10 most inspiring places to do just that:

1. A Nearby Coffee Shop

Many times it is just nice not to have to make your own cup of coffee, not to mention having to get up and get it while you are in the middle of working.  Find a coffee shop nearby and have them serve you.  The hustle and bustle within the shop will also keep you awake if you are having one of those sleepy days.

2. The Park

As a freelancer it is very easy to spend up to 80 percent of your time indoors, and not seeing the sun for days on end.

A little fresh air will perk anyone up.  Take your work to your local park; sit on a blanket or a nearby bench while savoring the smell of the fresh air.  Let the warm sun bath over your body as you finish that article.

3. The Library

At the library you will find the peace and quiet that you are looking for especially of you have a house full and cannot seem to concentrate.  You will be able to find a book or two that will get those brain cells working again, perhaps you will even find a few new ideas for what you are writing that Google hasn’t provided.

4. Spending Time at a Friend’s House

There is a trick to this one, it is important to choose the friend that is not going to drag you out on those exciting adventures.  A cup of coffee and a conversation can take you a long way right before you settle down to do your own things.  The bonus to going to your friends is that you can bounce ideas off of them as well.

5. Going to an Art Gallery

Another great spot that is for the most part quiet is your local art gallery.  Although you will not find words that will inspire you, the visual art just may inspire you in a whole new manner.  If you are struggling with finishing an article, take a breath and relax by looking as some of the beautiful art work on display.  Soon you will be as good as new.

6.Going to a Communal Workspace

Also known as co-working offices can have great benefits over your normal home office.

These are basically large open offices where you are able to rent a chair.  The neat part about these spaces is that you never know who you will meet sitting next to you.  One day you may be sitting right next to a project manager, the next day just may be a travel blogger, the possibilities are endless.

7. Your Local University

It has been said that a university is it own world.  Within the grounds you just may find several places that you can work from such as the coffee shop, a park, the library or many other interesting spots.

The people that you just may find walking around just may put a spark to your writing skills; they may be young, older, nerdy, flamboyant, hip, as well as conservative.

8. On the Plane, Train, or Bus

Even if you do work from home, you know that there are many times that travel is needed.  Most people who travel tend to stare out of the window as they are sitting as they get lost within their own personal thoughts.

But, as you are on that Plane, Train, or Bus jot those thoughts down, a change of scenery as well as company just may be all you need for a little inspiration.

9. Standing Up on Your Feet

Yes, on your feet, it may sound just a little crazy but it is amazing in the difference between writing while you are sitting compared to standing.  Standing lets the blood flow freely and gives you more energy.

10. On Retreat

Imagine being with people that are eager to learn more about freelance writing, enthusiastic, and are happy to share ideas and thoughts and are eager to encourage you.

These types of retreats are packed with very valuable information as well as fantastic ideas that will inspire the best in anyone.

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Freelance Writing Courses You Can Take RIGHT NOW Tue, 11 Sep 2018 23:48:47 +0000 Thinking about becoming a freelance writer? I bet you are thinking that is sounds creative, free, and on the glamorous side of things.  But, once you jump in head first

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Thinking about becoming a freelance writer? I bet you are thinking that is sounds creative, free, and on the glamorous side of things.  But, once you jump in head first you figure out that being creative is only a very small part of it. Freelance writing courses can help you get to where you want to be as a writer.

When you finally figure that out the whole freelance thing can be overwhelming.  Luckily there are a lot of fantastic writers who have all been in the same spot that you are right now, they have made mistakes, taken notes and are ready to help you along your journey.

Here are some courses that will put you on the right track:

Making Money Freelance Writing

Jorden Roper – Cost Free

Here is a woman that has all of the smarts, and she is willing to share them.  Not only will she share her wealth of information but she does it for FREE!!!

Building a Successful Online Writing Business

Bamidele Oniblausi – Cost Free

Here is a freelance writer that comes from Nigeria, you will find this course to be easy and quick.  It is straight to the point and outlines the steps to become a very will paid writer.

Intentional Blogging

Jeff Goins – Cost Fre

If you have an overwhelming passion to change the world and have the creativity to do so, you are in the right place.  Jeff writes straight from the heart, and is very passionate about changing the world and creativity.  If you want to learn more about writing with a great combination of intelligence and feeling, you will not go wrong with this course.

Writing about What You Know

Open University – Cost Free

Here you will find a very short course that focuses on using what you know within creative writing.

You may find that this sounds just a little on the boring side, but a huge part in discovering your very own voice as a writer depends on the knowledge that you already hold.  Standing out above all the rest depends on utilizing your own voice.

This 8-hour course is well worth attending on one of your down days.

Writing and Blogging Course

Mark Manson – Cost $3.00 a month

What can we say about Mark, he is a man that says things exactly how he means, and he doesn’t give a **** what you think.

As writers we understand that one of the most significant aspects of writing is to be genuine.  This is exactly the reason why this course has hit the list.  Just a side note – if you happen to be sensitive, you just may want to prepare yourself for what is to come.

The Complete Freelance Writing Online Course – Beginner to Pro

Udemy – Cost $10.00

This course has something from the beginner all the way to the pro.

It will cover everything right from creating your very first samples all the way to how you can promote yourself as a freelance writer over social media.  This is the course that will pave the way for your new career.

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5 Time Management Tips for Every Busy Freelancer Fri, 07 Sep 2018 02:31:36 +0000 Most freelancers quit their jobs in order to become freelancers due to the appeal of freedom.  Many do not realize at the time that they are replacing one boss with

The post 5 Time Management Tips for Every Busy Freelancer appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

Most freelancers quit their jobs in order to become freelancers due to the appeal of freedom.  Many do not realize at the time that they are replacing one boss with many bosses (their clients).  Unless freelancers are very careful, it is way too easy to give up those dreams of freedom in exchange for these many bosses.  The biggest reason is usually due to the inability of time management.

Here are five time management tips that can help you put that free back into freelancer.

Limit your Information Intake

Information can come in multiple forms.  At times it can be frivolous – such as browsing Reddit or Hacker News. Other times it may appear to be important, in the form of a meeting or a conference call.  The fact still remains that it is almost always impossible to multitask.  Sometimes you will just need to inform your clients that you cannot complete the task that needs to be completed ASAP if you are on a call with them.  Not all information is bad, but going on a diet is not a bad idea either; when it is time to focus in order to get things done.

Eliminating Distractions

Skype, IM, Email, Twitter.  All of these social media applications are killers of your productivity and will cause you to lose your focus as well as time.  By limiting your email checking to once maybe twice a day will increase the time that you have to accomplish things that need to get done.  This will also let your clients know that not everything in their life is an urgent situation and worthy of an instant response from you.

Working in Short Burst

Work in a span of twenty-five minutes (and do nothing else but work) take a break for five minutes.  Stretch out your legs, make your favorite cup of tea, stare out the window, do anything except think about work.  This will allow time to detach from your work, and you will be able to turn off or on your working mind.

Practicing the Word “NO”

Essentially people want to be able to please other people.  But, we also should not do this by sacrificing our very own happiness in the process.  Typically things that may need to be accomplished right away can actually wait a little bit.  Many freelancers tend to take time away from their own free time in order to satisfy a client.  They sacrifice time with their own family and friends so that others can spend time with their family and friends.  So, learn to say NO, people tend to respect those who will not answer “how high” when they are asked to jump.

Treating Freelancing as a Normal Job

This may actually sound just a little bit crazy.  But, treat it as a normal regular nine-to-five job.  Too, many freelancers will work from home and at all hours of the day as well as well into the night.  This actually makes their home life and family suffer more than if they worked out of the home.  So set up a work schedule and stick to it.  When it is family time make sure to spend that time with your family, not answering emails or writing. This can bring a bit more time management to the table and keep you organized at the same time.

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