employment Archives - Web Design & Marketing Services | Web Design & Marketing Services | Web Design & Marketing Services https://www.samanthamskinner.com Fri, 30 Nov 2018 15:24:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://i0.wp.com/www.samanthamskinner.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/cropped-cropped-logo-1.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 employment Archives - Web Design & Marketing Services | Web Design & Marketing Services | Web Design & Marketing Services https://www.samanthamskinner.com 32 32 158074898 The Best Thing in Freelancing: Retainers https://www.samanthamskinner.com/the-best-thing-in-freelancing-retainers/ Fri, 30 Nov 2018 15:24:17 +0000 http://samanthamskinner.com/?p=2128 It is important as a freelancer that you know how to get and keep retainers because these are going to help you a lot as you go along. With these

The post The Best Thing in Freelancing: Retainers appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

It is important as a freelancer that you know how to get and keep retainers because these are going to help you a lot as you go along. With these retainers in your possession, you will quickly learn that they bring much more to the table than you originally thought. Of course, working with some of the best clients out there is also high in my books.

Retainers are harder to get then one-off jobs, so it is important to think about perhaps offering this service to clients that you speak with. They can really save you in the long run. This agreement brings employment and freelancing together to hold hands and make the freelancer happier with the outcome.

What is a Retainer?

Many freelancers might not even know what a retainer is. However, with the right information, being a freelancer is going to get much easier for you overall. A retainer is much like an agreement. The freelancer submits a specific set amount of work every month and the employer pays a specific amount for the work.

Retainers Do Not Come Right Away

Hoping it is easy to get a retainer is something that can be easy to do. You have stars in your eyes and hopes and dreams to reach. You might have to work with the client on one-off projects until you feel comfortable enough to pitch a retainer idea. This is especially helpful if they continue to use you for these one-off projects.

However, it is also important to note that not all clients are the “retainer” types. They need to be a long-term client that needs steady work throughout the year for this to work out. Plus, you have to feel comfortable enough to trust them and for them to trust you.

Offer All Services They Might Need

You don’t have to run out and learn to code right away, but knowing how to build a simple website to go with your content writing, or marketing or whatever you do is helpful. Getting an employer to work with you on retainer is ideal in many ways, but not having more than the one thing to offer them might make them think harder about this agreement than they really need too when you pitch the idea to them.

Writing Up Your Retainer 

Your retainer is going to work much like a contract, so you need to write one up so that everyone is in agreement on the terms. Just make sure to add these important tidbits so that everyone has what they need from the deal.

  • How much work is being delivered every month
  • The amount it will cost, as well as your payment information
  • Include any expenses or other things the client has to cover
  • The length of time the retainer is good for, usually, it is a year to two years
  • Revisions and if they are included, if they are, how many?
  • A sign off stating that the client owns the content once it is completed
  • Having an under or over usage of the content – when a client skips a month, they still need to pay and some freelancers provide a credit to recoup some articles missed during the next month, though not all
  • Cancellation policies of the retainer, which usually means the client needs to give 30 days notice of their intent to do so

Making a retainer last a while is important. When the working relationship is a strong one, then retainers can work smoothly between the client and the freelancer. They can even provide a strong recommendation for others that they know looking for the same type of services. A retainer is thandeal way to work as a freelancer and it provides more stability in times of need.

The post The Best Thing in Freelancing: Retainers appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.
