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Sure you must find your home office a peaceful place to sit and do your work.  But, many times I am sure you just want a change of scenery in order to concentrate just a little better.  Thankfully, you are not confined to just that home office, you are able to take your work with you any place you may want to sit and work.

The following is a listing of the top 10 most inspiring places to do just that:

1. A Nearby Coffee Shop

Many times it is just nice not to have to make your own cup of coffee, not to mention having to get up and get it while you are in the middle of working.  Find a coffee shop nearby and have them serve you.  The hustle and bustle within the shop will also keep you awake if you are having one of those sleepy days.

2. The Park

As a freelancer it is very easy to spend up to 80 percent of your time indoors, and not seeing the sun for days on end.

A little fresh air will perk anyone up.  Take your work to your local park; sit on a blanket or a nearby bench while savoring the smell of the fresh air.  Let the warm sun bath over your body as you finish that article.

3. The Library

At the library you will find the peace and quiet that you are looking for especially of you have a house full and cannot seem to concentrate.  You will be able to find a book or two that will get those brain cells working again, perhaps you will even find a few new ideas for what you are writing that Google hasn’t provided.

4. Spending Time at a Friend’s House

There is a trick to this one, it is important to choose the friend that is not going to drag you out on those exciting adventures.  A cup of coffee and a conversation can take you a long way right before you settle down to do your own things.  The bonus to going to your friends is that you can bounce ideas off of them as well.

5. Going to an Art Gallery

Another great spot that is for the most part quiet is your local art gallery.  Although you will not find words that will inspire you, the visual art just may inspire you in a whole new manner.  If you are struggling with finishing an article, take a breath and relax by looking as some of the beautiful art work on display.  Soon you will be as good as new.

6.Going to a Communal Workspace

Also known as co-working offices can have great benefits over your normal home office.

These are basically large open offices where you are able to rent a chair.  The neat part about these spaces is that you never know who you will meet sitting next to you.  One day you may be sitting right next to a project manager, the next day just may be a travel blogger, the possibilities are endless.

7. Your Local University

It has been said that a university is it own world.  Within the grounds you just may find several places that you can work from such as the coffee shop, a park, the library or many other interesting spots.

The people that you just may find walking around just may put a spark to your writing skills; they may be young, older, nerdy, flamboyant, hip, as well as conservative.

8. On the Plane, Train, or Bus

Even if you do work from home, you know that there are many times that travel is needed.  Most people who travel tend to stare out of the window as they are sitting as they get lost within their own personal thoughts.

But, as you are on that Plane, Train, or Bus jot those thoughts down, a change of scenery as well as company just may be all you need for a little inspiration.

9. Standing Up on Your Feet

Yes, on your feet, it may sound just a little crazy but it is amazing in the difference between writing while you are sitting compared to standing.  Standing lets the blood flow freely and gives you more energy.

10. On Retreat

Imagine being with people that are eager to learn more about freelance writing, enthusiastic, and are happy to share ideas and thoughts and are eager to encourage you.

These types of retreats are packed with very valuable information as well as fantastic ideas that will inspire the best in anyone.

The post 10 Places to Write From Instead of Your Home Office appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.
