business Archives - Web Design & Marketing Services | Web Design & Marketing Services | Web Design & Marketing Services Mon, 18 Nov 2019 21:39:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 business Archives - Web Design & Marketing Services | Web Design & Marketing Services | Web Design & Marketing Services 32 32 158074898 Corporate Event Planner: What is it? Mon, 18 Nov 2019 21:39:00 +0000 Organizations of all forms plan events, meetings, and other activities for clients and employees. Since each function needs extensive planning, employers frequently utilize the services of corporate event planners to

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Organizations of all forms plan events, meetings, and other activities for clients and employees. Since each function needs extensive planning, employers frequently utilize the services of corporate event planners to organize every detail of these functions from beginning to end. Numerous event planners also go to each event to direct activities from beginning to end to ensure the function’s success.

Qualifications of Corporate Event Planner

Normally, employers want a bachelor’s degree in subjects related to marketing, hospitality management, or public relations. Many corporate event planners begin their careers in hotels. They are often hosts for their events. The event planners’ career progress into corporate event planning. In addition to related experience and a bachelor’s degree, employment opportunities can increase by having certifications. The Convention Industry Council offers credentials like Certified Meeting Professional. Numerous corporate event planners also have membership in the Meeting Professionals International.

Preparation of the Event

Prior to an event, the clients sponsoring the function and the corporate event planners work together to understand the client’s financial budget and needs for the event. The planner suggests timelines, dates, and plans the extent of the event. Corporate planners pick several locations, coordinate travel arrangements, receive bids from vendors, overnight accommodations, and more. Upon the client’s approval, the corporate event planner begins to plan all the accommodations and activities for the event.

The Event

Corporate event planners attend the events they organize. Prior to the start of the event, the planner makes sure space is properly prepared, scheduled vendors arrive, and equipment is tested. The corporate event planner works with the on-site staff to manage how the actual event will run and more details. They also greet attendees, ensure that clients are satisfied with the event, and monitor the scheduled activities. The event planner obtains bills from vendors for space, equipment, food, and other services and then approve payment.

It is important to reach out to someone who can provide these services, so your business doesn’t have to. If you don’t have a committed event planner, choosing a freelance one is ideal. You can use them as you see fit, or whenever necessary and ensure that your work’s events run as smoothly as they possibly can.

I can provide these specific services, as I am experienced in this particular corporate area. Please reach out with questions or comments regarding the work you’d like to have done, so you can get events set up and ready to go.

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5 Actionable Tips to Use as a Freelancer Mon, 20 May 2019 13:06:43 +0000 In a report by Upwork and Freelancers Union, it was revealed that 35 percent of American workers have left the “9 – 5” life to become a freelancer. In fact,

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In a report by Upwork and Freelancers Union, it was revealed that 35 percent of American workers have left the “9 – 5” life to become a freelancer. In fact, this number is increasing and is expected to almost double in the next 4 years. So, if you are considering a freelancing lifestyle or are a veteran, here are some tips to help you succeed:

1. Always use a contract

This is one of the most common mistakes that those new to freelancing make. Be sure to use a contract for every client project. However, don’t get caught up searching for the perfect contract. It’s okay, to begin with, a template and improve on it along the way.

Having basic terms in the contract helps to protect you, while also informing the client the way you work.

2. Get a down payment from every client

A big issue heard by freelancers is not getting paid on time or the client stiffing them. To ensure you receive payment, require a down payment upfront of perhaps 50 percent before starting any work. Be sure to make this clear in any preliminary discussions as well as your contract.

It should raise a red flag if a client has an issue with this requirement. While there is a possibility this is the first time, they’ve contracted freelance services, your guard should still be raised. If the potential client refuses again, move on.

3. Do not be scared to say “no”

It can be difficult to say no. This is especially true if you are like some people who are generous and want others you work with to feel happy. You offer to help in any possible way as to not disappoint anyone, but you don’t realize the strenuous load it’ll place on you.

Remember this – you will disappoint someone, no matter what you do.

Whether it be your family because of the long hours you’ve been working, the client as you’re unable to deliver 50 percent through the project, you’re extremely stressed from the extra work you took on.

So, learn to get comfortable with saying “no”.

4. Focus your freelance business

Many freelancers are unable to find enough work and have a difficult time getting their name out there.

Make everything easier on you by focusing on your brand identity and the type of projects you take. From charging higher rates to marketing to actually delivering the work. Choose one or two services only and be sure to only take work that falls in one of the two categories. Everything else, turn down.

After making you’re your decision on what services to specialize in, this needs to translate into your own brand. Everything on your website should be reworded to those phrases and keywords, only display that type of work in your portfolio, and begin producing content around those two services as a testimony to your expertise.

5. Write, Write, Write

This tip is the most important – write. It does not matter if you believe you’re not a good writer; by writing, your name gets out there, and the client finds you.

Good writing comes with practice.

Take a few minutes and watch this video by Sean McCabe to learn why writing is important to your freelancing:

It All Starts with Writing

I’m sure after reading this post and watching the video, you’ll understand why writing is so important to your freelance.

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Top 6 Tips for Better Social Media Marketing Mon, 21 Jan 2019 20:40:33 +0000 Creating a social media marketing campaign is one thing, but really making it work is another. You need to hit the ball out of the park and capturing your audience’s

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Creating a social media marketing campaign is one thing, but really making it work is another. You need to hit the ball out of the park and capturing your audience’s attention might be no easy feat, to say the least. There are ways to make it easier and more efficient, but if you’re not paying attention, it still isn’t going to work.

So many big companies have come up with pretty clever ways to not only market themselves, but capture (and hold) their audience’s attention. By being able to strategically put themselves out there, they are taking a front row seat at grabbing the audience before anyone else is able to do so.

Without further ado, here are some of the best tips for better social media marketing, regardless of who you are or what you do. Make your presence known!

6 Tips for Better Social Media Marketing

1.Social Media Analytics Platform

Analytics apps and programs help to know your percentages, click through rates and other attributions of the social media channel. This information can be analyzed and then used to work on a new social media plan that might work better. Owlmetrics is one that is highly recommended for those using Instagram.

2. Influencer Marketing Strategies Can Work

Over 90% of marketers that use an influencer marketing strategy, such as Harley Davidson or KitchenAid state that this form of marketing works. Marketers have their own ways of doing things, but if they are all agreeing on this, then you have to try it too. Influencer marketing can even gain the attention of those that are skeptical of those traditional marketing means.

3. Learn New Trends

The internet and social media world is always changing. Due to this, it is important that you stay in the know. By visiting networking events, webinars, seminars and more that have to do with the ever-changing world of social media, you can stay one step ahead of the game.

4. Have Clear, Stated Opinions

There are always important topics within every business model. When you have a heated discussion on one of these topics, make sure everyone knows where your business stands. Don’t hide behind something, especially if your company doesn’t believe in that. Make sure everyone knows what you stand for.

5. Measure Your Success

It is important that you know how you’re doing based on the plan that you have. You can use a multi-touch attribution model that can help you determine what is and is not working for you and your social media channels. This way, trial and error will not just turn into error for your social media marketing plan.

6. Use a Plan and Be Consistent

This cannot be said enough, but if you don’t have a plan and post consistently, for each and every social media channel that you use, then this is going to backfire. You need a way to show the world that you are here, you are for them and you are committed to gaining and holding their attention. If they reply, respond back. Always be one step ahead.

Whatever it is that you do, by being able to have a great social media marketing plan that works with the social media goals you have, you will soon find that this produces a better overall social media presence. Of course, you can do a little trial and error run of your own by mixing and matching those awesome ideas out there to find out what works. You just want to stay away from mistakes that might happen.

The social media marketing world is made up of a number of ingredients. With your business, you just have to find the right ingredients that really make your soup stand out. Make sure to grab my marketing plan to help you out a bit more!

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Creating a Marketing Plan: Tips for Small Businesses & FREE Plan! Mon, 14 Jan 2019 20:19:24 +0000 A marketing plan is essential for any business, big or small. While you are probably a small business, it is still important to have one. This outlines the goals that

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A marketing plan is essential for any business, big or small. While you are probably a small business, it is still important to have one. This outlines the goals that you have for marketing, what your achievables are, how you’re going to get there and what needs to be done to really drive your business home. This is important for any business that wants to get on their feet and really hit the ground running, but how exactly do you put this together? What comes in a marketing plan? What should yours have?

I made a video (link below) that outlines some of the sections that you should definitely make sure to have on your marketing plan. I also am giving away a FREE copy of a marketing plan template that I use.

You don’t have to use all of it, but it will give you a good idea of what you should have laid out for your business to have a successful marketing campaign. This will also help you stay on track better since you can see the goals and really break them down.

Sections of the Marketing Plan 

You need to make sure that your marketing plan has all of the specific sections that will lay everything out for you.

  • Who are you? What is your business? Why is this valuable to the customer or client?
  • Who is your audience or target audience? – what person would use your service or product and why?
  • Who is your competition? Why are you better to use than them?
  • What kind of marketing do you want to do or think is the most effective when thinking about your target audience?
  • Overall goals – main goal and then broken up into different goals

Remember to keep track of everything – you want to know how many followers you start with, how many jobs you get or things you sell to make sure you’re moving up and not down. If you are moving up, keep up the good work! If down, re-evaluate your marketing and do something else that works.

Tips for a Marketing Plan

These tips can help you create the best marketing plan and also make sure that you have actionable, attainable goals that you are able to reach when considering your marketing efforts.

  • Use the SMART method (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-Based)
  • Set up a strategy to reach the marketing goal you set up whether you are going to send out 10 letters a day or 20 emails to get 2 new clients, do it!
  • Assess your resources. Are you using qualified people to help? Do you have a budget to do something bigger? Something better?
  • Always establish time frames and stick with them. Know what you want to accomplish and when.
  • Remember! Try everything! You never know what might work and what might not!

When putting together a marketing plan, create goals that are easily attainable and something that can help you grow. Even if your business is growing slowly, it is still growing! Of course, if you need help, make sure to contact me today and I’d be more than happy to help with marketing plans and making them actionable!

If you missed out on the video where I talked about what the marketing plan was and what it does, check it out here on Facebook!

Make sure to CLICK HERE for your FREE Marketing Plan Template!

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The Worst Social Media Mistakes You Can Make Sun, 06 Jan 2019 01:58:21 +0000 Social media is one of the biggest and best ways to market anything on the internet. From smaller businesses to larger businesses, you will find that each of them uses

The post The Worst Social Media Mistakes You Can Make appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

Social media is one of the biggest and best ways to market anything on the internet. From smaller businesses to larger businesses, you will find that each of them uses some sort of social media to their advantage. This is because many people, almost all of people, use social media. When you are a business and you can use a platform that your customers or potential customers or clients are using to speak with them or reach them in some way, then you benefit and gain traction in the market.

However, not everything is good when it comes to social media. You can actually do a lot of bad thing in your quest to do good for your company. Some businesses have botched the social media scene with mistakes that they probably should have thought about before doing them. Learn what these mistakes are so you don’t have to worry about making the same mistakes and facing the same consequences.

Social Media Mistakes You Can Make as a Business

These mistakes are made by businesses everywhere. Make sure to keep your social media game strong by watching out for them and not repeating history.

Not Having a Specific Strategy for Social Media

Having a marketing strategy is one thing, but you should always have a strategy for social media, too. You want to make sure that you have a clear idea of what you need to do, when you need to post, what you’re going to post and more. Setting a schedule and being regular can help you make the best of the social media that you use.

Engaging Your Audience Ineffectively 

Building your brand means engaging your audience and making them feel like they are valued. Having a clear idea of how people want to see you is important. When you don’t engage with them effectively, you’re actually harming your chances of being effective at marketing through social media.

Incorrectly Using Hashtags

Hashtags are important when posting on any social media. If you’re not using them correctly, then you will find that it can actually harm, not help you. Always make sure that you are using a hashtag correctly and that you are using it to go along with the same meaning that you are using it for.

Incorporating too Much Politics

This is a hot and heavy subject and while it is important to stick to your beliefs and what you stand for, it is also important that you don’t push them on other people. Don’t stick with politics too much because you might actually make more enemies than followers. It is a tough subject and there are many opinions and thoughts.

Forbes has even more tips for using your social media accounts correctly. You don’t want to overdo it, but you want to make sure that you’re set to go when it comes to engaging and connecting with your audience.

Of course, you can also find out more right here with some of the other blogs that I have written! You can learn more about how you can balance your work and personal life, the top marketing changes and even the mistakes that kill startup businesses – if this might be you!

The post The Worst Social Media Mistakes You Can Make appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

Outlaw Clothing Brands – Small Business Spotlight Thu, 03 Jan 2019 21:52:43 +0000 Outlaw Clothing Brands is more than just a brand, they are a change, a movement, a message that you can share with everyone you know. It is a way that

The post Outlaw Clothing Brands – Small Business Spotlight appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

Outlaw Clothing Brands is more than just a brand, they are a change, a movement, a message that you can share with everyone you know. It is a way that you can be and do much more than you set out to do in this lifetime.

With a group behind you, you know you’re spreading the right message. Do something great and do something you wouldn’t normally do that is going to make a positive impact on someone else.

Outlaw Clothing Brands Promotes a Happier, Friendlier World

The brand itself is a way of life, a way to change how the world views each other. It is a way for someone to actually show that they are ready to make a change and be a part of something bigger.

I wanted to add in some of his own comments so that you could get a feel for the owner of the company and know more about what they stand for and what types of changes they are looking to make, as this can be a big part of why you choose to use their brand over others.

Max Outlaw –

“Outlaw Clothing Brands promotes a lifestyle in which small changes made every day help us work toward a better life and a better world. Selfless acts, intentional kindness and going against the grain aren’t the societal norm. BE THE CHANGE | BE AN OUTLAW. I’ve been told that I was meant for more in this world. And one thing that I’ve always done is help the ones around me. The end of the day I believe everyone is capable of being the right needed in the world. The change. And because it isn’t the majority rules that’s what makes you an Outlaw.”

“The biggest reason for individuals to look more into our brand is that we give to the causes that help create a better world. One recently is the convoy of hope. Another we are reaching to is the boys and girls club. I’ve always known my heart was different. I’ve always wanted to use myself and personality to bridge everyone together.”

“This brand is a start of multiple ventures. So through this business and brand, I will create new jobs and inspire others. As well as I’m certain this is needed, I’m excited to call out greatness amongst everyone. My biggest success thus far is knowing the culture of change is needed. My brand is the answer to familiarize everyone it’s ok.”

I’ve spoken about them in my video, so if you want to take a look and see all that they stand for and learn a bit more about the company and what they do, then check them out. Of course, you can go straight to the source and check out Outlaw Clothing Brands website for yourself and make a difference and be the change, be an Outlaw.

The post Outlaw Clothing Brands – Small Business Spotlight appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

The Best Thing in Freelancing: Retainers Fri, 30 Nov 2018 15:24:17 +0000 It is important as a freelancer that you know how to get and keep retainers because these are going to help you a lot as you go along. With these

The post The Best Thing in Freelancing: Retainers appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.

It is important as a freelancer that you know how to get and keep retainers because these are going to help you a lot as you go along. With these retainers in your possession, you will quickly learn that they bring much more to the table than you originally thought. Of course, working with some of the best clients out there is also high in my books.

Retainers are harder to get then one-off jobs, so it is important to think about perhaps offering this service to clients that you speak with. They can really save you in the long run. This agreement brings employment and freelancing together to hold hands and make the freelancer happier with the outcome.

What is a Retainer?

Many freelancers might not even know what a retainer is. However, with the right information, being a freelancer is going to get much easier for you overall. A retainer is much like an agreement. The freelancer submits a specific set amount of work every month and the employer pays a specific amount for the work.

Retainers Do Not Come Right Away

Hoping it is easy to get a retainer is something that can be easy to do. You have stars in your eyes and hopes and dreams to reach. You might have to work with the client on one-off projects until you feel comfortable enough to pitch a retainer idea. This is especially helpful if they continue to use you for these one-off projects.

However, it is also important to note that not all clients are the “retainer” types. They need to be a long-term client that needs steady work throughout the year for this to work out. Plus, you have to feel comfortable enough to trust them and for them to trust you.

Offer All Services They Might Need

You don’t have to run out and learn to code right away, but knowing how to build a simple website to go with your content writing, or marketing or whatever you do is helpful. Getting an employer to work with you on retainer is ideal in many ways, but not having more than the one thing to offer them might make them think harder about this agreement than they really need too when you pitch the idea to them.

Writing Up Your Retainer 

Your retainer is going to work much like a contract, so you need to write one up so that everyone is in agreement on the terms. Just make sure to add these important tidbits so that everyone has what they need from the deal.

  • How much work is being delivered every month
  • The amount it will cost, as well as your payment information
  • Include any expenses or other things the client has to cover
  • The length of time the retainer is good for, usually, it is a year to two years
  • Revisions and if they are included, if they are, how many?
  • A sign off stating that the client owns the content once it is completed
  • Having an under or over usage of the content – when a client skips a month, they still need to pay and some freelancers provide a credit to recoup some articles missed during the next month, though not all
  • Cancellation policies of the retainer, which usually means the client needs to give 30 days notice of their intent to do so

Making a retainer last a while is important. When the working relationship is a strong one, then retainers can work smoothly between the client and the freelancer. They can even provide a strong recommendation for others that they know looking for the same type of services. A retainer is thandeal way to work as a freelancer and it provides more stability in times of need.

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Tips for Managing Your Work/Personal Life Balance for Entrepreneurs – Plus, Special Bonuses! Mon, 12 Nov 2018 22:19:43 +0000 If you have watched my latest video, then you know that balancing work and your personal life can be difficult at times. You want to get so much done, everything

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If you have watched my latest video, then you know that balancing work and your personal life can be difficult at times. You want to get so much done, everything done, all at once. You don’t want long lists staring at you, you want clean slates that you can feel accomplished about.

So do I, but it is not really realistic. This is especially true for those of us that are not only managing our businesses but those of us that also have families.

By being able to manage your life and separate work from the personal aspects, not only will you be happier, but so will your family, and your business might just prosper because of this happiness. You will become MORE productive, you will actually get MORE done.

Here are some pretty awesome tips for helping you stay on track and keep the personal away from the work aspects of life, as difficult as it might be.

Resist the Temptation to Work! 

I admit it, I am totally a workaholic. You can usually find me clicking away in my bedroom, at my office, while I watch a show on the television. Even if I am not in front of those things, I am on social media, making my presence known there. It is horrible, I know. It is something that we all have to break away from!

Resisting the urge to constantly work, even if you feel like you have ‘down-time’ is the best thing you can do for your soul.

Give Yourself Office Hours!

And stick with them! I mean it! If you say you are going to work on work from 9am to 4pm, then that is all you have to work with. If 4pm comes and you have accomplished one thing – that’s it! You will learn to get on this schedule and be productive with those hours because you’re training your body and brain to know that this is all the time you have to work with. You need to make the most of it.

Schedule, Plan, Organize!

Even if I didn’t do what I do, I would probably still plan, schedule and organize because that is who I am. That is who my sister is, that is who my mom is. It is a part of my blood. If you are not much of a scheduler, or if you like to plan things but do not know where to start or if you’re like the bazillion of people out there that just want to feel like they have their stuff together, then I got you, my friend.

I use these awesome organizer tools that I am listing below…

In addition to these things that I print out, I also make sure to keep my planners. I literally use 3, though I could do it all in one I am afraid it might get chaotic. You can use one and keep all of your to-dos in it, and plan, schedule, and stay on top of things.

Here are some other great resources, plus some prettttty awesome agendas you might want to take a look at… Christmas is coming up!


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4 Skills to Help You Grow Your Freelance Career Mon, 05 Nov 2018 21:55:05 +0000 Doing anything freelance is daunting because there are no guarantees in freelance anything. This means trusting in your gut and just doing what needs to be done. However, your freelance

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Doing anything freelance is daunting because there are no guarantees in freelance anything. This means trusting in your gut and just doing what needs to be done. However, your freelance career needs to be jump started and the only way to do this is through these useful skills. You may or may not have them, you might have to develop them, you might have to grow them, you might have to acquire them; whatever you have to do – just do it!

Make sure that you’re ready to grow these skills, because come 2019, you’re going to need them to hang onto. You’re going to want to wish you built them up before the big boom comes. While this sounds scary, it’s really not. I am just being theatrical and trying to get my point across.

Moving onto the skills needed, here are the four biggest and best skills to have that can actually help you grow your freelance career.

1. Have a Diverse Portfolio

While one particular area might suit you best, which it does for many, there are many benefits to having a large, all-inclusive portfolio that lists many of your strong suits. You might be great at writing landing pages or sales emails, but you’re also good at putting together decent websites – show these skills off! There is no right or wrong way to showcase yourself, even if you do more than one thing!

2. Have a Personal Website for Your Freelance Career

Having a personal website means you mean business. However, you have to keep it up-to-date. If you have old news on there, no one is going to look at it. If it looks like it was made 20 years ago, again, no one will be impressed. Change with the times, just like they are going to want to change with the times. Impress!

3. Always Deliver More Than Whats Expected

Delivering more than what is expected to the client is always going to go over well. If you impress them, they’re going to send more people your way. Not only that, but they’re going to want to keep using you for all of the work that they have. You will become a regular and have a strong working relationship. Hey, you might even get a bit of a raise out of it! Do well, do more, and impress!

4. Maintain and Use Social Media

Having social media means a lot for those that have internet-related jobs. If this is your profession, then you need social media. This allows you to network, get your name out there, get seen, get known and then get hired! Without the World Wide Web behind you, you might find that reaching those goals of actually making a living is harder than you originally thought.

It is important to do what is best for your freelance career. If you’re able to do this, you won’t have to worry about what comes next. You will make a name for yourself and allow yourself to have a comfortable profession doing something that is rewarding and enriching. The best part is that as a freelancer, you choose who to work for!

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Top Marketing Changes to Expect This Year Mon, 08 Oct 2018 18:55:38 +0000 Changes are always expected throughout the year whether they are in the marketing niche, sales force, technology department or anywhere else that you turn. Due to this, it is important

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Changes are always expected throughout the year whether they are in the marketing niche, sales force, technology department or anywhere else that you turn. Due to this, it is important for those busy professionals (especially those in marketing and sales) to stay on top of the changes in the industry. These changes are going to make a difference when trying to sell to those around you.

Your audience is constantly changing. Not only is the world we live in constantly on the move, but those in the world that you sell too, that you speak with, that you need to convince all have different views that change.

Your company changes.

Regardless of what you think about change, it happens. It happens more than we even realize.

Learning is essential to any professional because they need to stay on top of this change. You wouldn’t want a doctor that couldn’t keep up on the sanitation changes that were updated, so why would your audience, your client base, your customers want to work with a company that doesn’t adapt, revolve and change themselves to fit the needs of those that they work with?

To provide the best for your audience, you have to change with them

Just like a caterpillar changes to a butterfly, you have to change into something that is needed or wanted.

These top changes are currently taking place in the marketing world and you can be on top of the change.

People are shying away from traditional ads

No one could have expected traditional ads to go out of style, but it is true. More and more people are putting their trust in people that they know or that can show value to them personally, not those that have ads that do well. Close to 30% of all people that use the internet are using ad blockers. That means you’re not even being seen!

Social media will continue to grow

If you’re not into the whole social media scene and you’re a marketer, then you might want to think about changing that. You cannot be a game changer in this world if you don’t have the right connections, the right friends, the right profile. Social media is one of the biggest and best ways to market any company, big or small because everyone uses them. Millions upon millions of users sign up every year for social media websites, even older generations are starting to use them. It is expected that by 2020, almost everyone is going to have a profile. That means you want to have a way to reach them.

Be a game changer in the market

While you might think that one thing works better than another because everyone is doing it. This isn’t the case. The more creative you are, the more you think out of the box and do things differently from everyone else, the more you’re going to be recognized for it. Use being a marketer to do something different, something bold, something creative. You’ll really be a game changer and get noticed that way.

Video is the new thing

Pictures, videos and everything visual is the new way to send your message. Usually, this attracts attention when before words would do the same thing. However, it has been shown that videos account for over 80% of internet traffic today. This means that if you have video, you’re more likely to be noticed, to be looked into and of course, to be used. Video is the new wave of the future and soon, it might just be the only way. YouTube and Instagram are hitting the ground running with video, but there are many other outlets that can be used, as well.

It is vital that you know how your clients and customers communicate

You don’t want to disappoint, that’s not why you’re here. However, it is important to note how your customers and clients communicate. If they work with you, they will expect you to provide them with a form of communication that they feel the most comfortable with – via, email, phone, instant messaging, whatever. You can conference the day away with them if that is what makes them comfortable. They want one-on-one time and they want it in a way they feel comfortable communicating. This means that more and more marketers have to be flexible and open.

Learn more about the changes that are expected this year to stay on top of the trends. Be the business that is always one step ahead of those that are relying on you to deliver. If you can do this, your business is sure to make it to the top. If it is something that is going to help you, then why not do it?

Change doesn’t have to be a bad thing, it can be a good one – for everyone involved. 2019 is set to be the change that the marketing and small business world needs.


The post Top Marketing Changes to Expect This Year appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.
