blog Archives - Web Design & Marketing Services | Web Design & Marketing Services | Web Design & Marketing Services Wed, 19 Jun 2019 20:51:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 blog Archives - Web Design & Marketing Services | Web Design & Marketing Services | Web Design & Marketing Services 32 32 158074898 Catching Your Audience Creating Visual Content Wed, 26 Jun 2019 08:37:41 +0000 How your brand image is proposed is essential to your visibility and your audience. A combination of appealing videos and images will not only create greater awareness, but it will

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How your brand image is proposed is essential to your visibility and your audience. A combination of appealing videos and images will not only create greater awareness, but it will also increase engagement.

Visuals are stimulating and entertaining to the mind. More than anything, people enjoy sharing content that is unique and provides a solution to their questions.

You have likely heard about the need for a brand to present valuable and unique content for its readers. Eye-catching elements that catch the audience such as images, videos, and infographics. They work to project your message that ties directly to the scheme of things.

What Makes Visual Content that Catches Your Audience

Visual marketing is incorporated into a brands content mix for numerous reasons, including building the brands social media network and increasing leads.

When creating visual website content consider these tips to catch your audience:

  • Share what the audience wants: Right at this moment, what is on everyone’s mind? When sitting down to create your videos and images, that is the very first question you should ask yourself.
  • Deliver what you promise: Create visual content that is extremely relevant to your core brand community. It is important to share the information which your targeted audience will always need, does not change over times, and provides them with helpful information as well as solutions.
  • Go further than only images: When creating web content include short video or infographics that can be shared on places such as Facebook and Instagram and ties back to your YouTube channel and website.
  • Give the content a new twist: Make sure your visual content is relevant to your intended audience that is unique to your brand. Of course, just as long as you provide your own fresh “twist”, a topic that is on everyone’s mind is terrific.
  • Make the visual content “shareable”: Share your tweets and posts specifically with important individuals in your niche that are inside of your network stating how that particular tweet or post could be beneficial their audience base, also. Ensure your website is responsive and includes social sharing icons as well.

Begin your visual marketing campaign by creating visual content and improving them as you go along. So, be sure to pay attention to user feedback and do not be afraid to change your graphics along the way to ensure you reach your targeted audience.

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Am I Happier as a Freelancer? Thu, 10 Jan 2019 16:07:56 +0000 When thinking about becoming a freelancer, many people do not want the uncertainty of not knowing if you will have work or get paid at a certain time. They might

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When thinking about becoming a freelancer, many people do not want the uncertainty of not knowing if you will have work or get paid at a certain time. They might not like having to look around and find work for yourself. This is common. Many people do not want to put forth a lot of effort for just a small piece of satisfaction. This is what happens when you start off in the freelancing world. It is all hard work, no play and sometimes, no fun. You have to make your future and the money that you make. While it is not back-breaking labor and you are not getting your hands dirty, you’re certainly working hard for your money.

One of the biggest questions that I get asked is whether or not I am happier as a freelancer. Do I enjoy what I do? Do I get the satisfaction from it that some get from their jobs?

Happiness as a Freelancer

Happiness comes from doing something that you like. You can choose to be happy with any job. No really, you can. You’re ultimately the keeper of your own happiness. However, being able to go to my children’s appointments or the plays that they put on without having to let my boss know I will be missing an hour of work here or an hour there is great. That is the biggest and best thing about being a freelancer and owning my own business.

I have a strong work ethic, I do and even at a 9 to 5 desk job if I missed that hour, I would be working until 6 to make it up, but I just cannot miss out on those times that I won’t have again. I will always have the desk, the work, the job; but my children will not be little forever.

You may not have children but you might have a grandma that you want to spend time with before it is too late or a dog that has to be put to sleep soon so you want to give them the best life they could ever ask for towards the end. Whatever the reason, freelancing has allowed me to be much more flexible with what I can and cannot do, making the things that really matter most to me easily enjoyed.

It is Not All Good

Freelancing is not all good. I don’t get large amounts of taxes back every year that I can spend to fix my house or do my hair. I have to pay for health insurance for my family (which is pretty expensive). Struggling is sometimes necessary when I try to find work when the workforce is slow and clients are deciding on their marketing strategies. I have to MAKE myself work because there is no boss barking behind me to get those papers in! You have to work to grow your freelance career.

I do have the creativity to create beautiful websites for clients. By allowing my creativity and my passion for helping others grow, I am essentially loving what I do, downfalls and all. I love being able to help those small businesses ramp up their production and see money come into their businesses. I love being able to stretch my imagination further than I ever have with their projects they bring to me.

Happiness is what you make it. If you want happiness, just think about what you want from life. Think of those things that make you happiest. These are what your life should revolve around, not something that holds you back.

*If you want tips on how to organize and handle both personal and professional life, check out my post here… it also has pretty awesome extras you can make use of!

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Organizing Website Content for Yourself and Your Readers Sun, 11 Feb 2018 16:47:05 +0000 Organizing for the future is what I always say! I feel that my life is more put together and I can easily manage my time more effortlessly if I am better

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Organizing for the future is what I always say! I feel that my life is more put together and I can easily manage my time more effortlessly if I am better organized. This means being able to get all of my ducks (or website content in this case) in a row and then go down and cross them off.

If you’re looking to get your ducks in a row, then now is your time to do so. Here are some of the best pointers that I have used to organize my web content and get it ready to go for the weeks, or even months if you’re feeling ambitious, ahead.

Make a Plan

It all goes smoothly when you have a plan, doesn’t it? In my case, that is how I feel. I have to-do lists, plans, and papers full of hopes and dreams everywhere. When you can cross them off as you go down the list, you will not only feel more organized, but more accomplished.

Think Your Website Content Through

Before you go posting everywhere, think your web content through. You should know what you’re going to post on, where, when and how. These are all great starting points when it comes to both blogs and pages that need to be made for the website. Planning ahead, knowing what to expect and thinking it through makes a difference.

Set it Up 

Set up the pages, words, pictures and anything else that you need to have set up. From there, you can be sure that you have time to look it over and then look it over again. You can change and move anything that you want. It is your website, but you also want to make sure that it is set up for usability and not just because you think it looks pretty.

Don’t Publish Just Yet

You don’t want to publish the website just yet once you have everything planned out, written down and ready to go. Give the backlink to someone that you trust. Let them take a look at it to see where you are. This not only gives you a pair of fresh eyes on the website but it also gives you some additional insight on what needs to be done.

Being able to have a game plan at the beginning of a website is a good thing. All too often you might find yourself running around trying to gather the website content, throw it all together and try to come up with something unique. This is not going to work.

Put your voice into it. Work hard at it and stick with it. You want something that is going to be worth looking at, so you have to make sure you organized it right, while also ensuring that you don’t feel overwhelmed.

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5 Ingredients That Make Web Content Great Fri, 09 Feb 2018 17:06:23 +0000 Making web content great consists of a few different ingredients thrown together and then artistically touched up. We all want to have a quick way to get the most out

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Making web content great consists of a few different ingredients thrown together and then artistically touched up. We all want to have a quick way to get the most out of the posts that we put up, don’t we?

When you’re throwing together your next great masterpiece, keep these five things in mind. Once you do, you know you have a pretty kick-ass article that you can throw out there for the masses to see. That seems to be the goal of everyone posting something, doesn’t it?

#1 Be Interesting! 

You want to share some insight, we get it but we don’t want to be bored to death (kind of how you’re feeling right now, isn’t it?). When you’re sharing information or you’re speaking to an audience, it is important to be as interesting as you can possibly be. It is going to make a huge difference.

#2 Write for Lazy People

Let’s face it, no one has time to read a 2,000-word thesis article on your favorite stuffed animal. It is just not going to happen. Remember #1, as mentioned above… your stuffed animal is not all that interesting. You want to make your content easy to digest in a scannable format that is pleasing to the eyes.

#3 Know Your Readers!

We have to put this in here because so many people out there actually do not know who their readers are. Are they business people? Are they writers like you? Do they have families, needs, wants and desires? You have to know as much as you can about them so that you can appeal to them. Give them something they actually want when they show up for a good read.

#4 Create Original Web Content

I cannot stress enough how important it is that you do not go alone and steal someone else’s writing. You just shouldn’t, so don’t. You want to come up with something original, unique and completely you. This is why your audience shows up more than likely, so make sure to keep injecting your personality into it each time you write.

They’ll love you more for it.

#5 Proofread then Proofread Again

You want to make sure that you’re handing out something pretty good. It should capture your own style and voice well and it should have less than the normal amount of typos in it. Using a Word processing program or even a grammar checker can help tremendously because it will catch these things before you even do!

Make more out of the content that you put up. The more you stick with these ingredients (or rules, but I wanted to be fancy) the more you’re going to benefit in the end. You want content that is readable, easily digestible and interested. Check, check and check – we got you covered!

Plus, once you got that web content down to a science, you can make sure that your website design is just as great!

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What is a Content Writer? Mon, 03 Apr 2017 16:08:21 +0000 Many people ask what a content writer is? What can they do for you? How do they help, as compared to doing my website content myself? Knowing what content writers

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content writer

Many people ask what a content writer is? What can they do for you? How do they help, as compared to doing my website content myself?

Knowing what content writers are and what they do can ultimately help you figure out if they’re the best to go with.

What is a Content Writer?

In order to have a website that can attract an audience, it has to be well written. This is important for your company, but also for those visiting the website. You have to have a voice of your own to show for it. Through the use of a website that has well-written, authoritative, informative information; you can gain this audience.

Web content writers work off of the specifications of the client’s. Whatever you need to have written, these wordsmiths can essentially make it happen, no matter what topic you work in.

Why Use a Content Writer?

So many ask why they’re needed. The first reason being that without the content writer, you’re not going to have content that sells. Whether you’re selling services, selling products or just trying to make your website seen on the internet.

You need to have someone that has a way with words. Those dedicated, full time, long time content writers can provide this type of content for you. These content writers will automatically understand the needs that you have and the information you want to hand out.

Need I say more?

While, I specialize in a wide variety of content writing, I can also provide online marketing skills to help boost your website traffic, to get you seen on the web and also provide those administrative jobs needed to keep up on the views you get.

Contact me today to learn more!

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Gaining Content Work in an Overloaded Workforce Wed, 01 Mar 2017 18:46:17 +0000 With more and more people looking to make money in easier than a 9-5 type of job way, it is no wonder the content world is becoming increasingly saturated with

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With more and more people looking to make money in easier than a 9-5 type of job way, it is no wonder the content world is becoming increasingly saturated with writers. However, how good are these writers? How much do they charge? What value or services do they bring to the table?

Those That Have Been in Content Writing a Long Time

If you’re like me and have been in the content writing business a long time, then you know it is important to have some sort of specialty and credentials to back you up against the grueling workforce that has become our life.

With me, it is my marketing degree and specialized areas that bring the most attention.

Not everyone is able to provide these skills and I am sure other long-time writers have their own niches that they practice in.

These new writers do not have much going for them but a newly found freelance writing freedom and the ability to work for pennies. Should companies hire them to save a buck?

Whether or Not Companies Should Hire Newbies 

Being new to the freelance writing world is not a bad thing. It means you can get your feet wet, learn a bit and create a specialty all your own. By no means does this mean that you should give up or stop taking on jobs.

However, businesses that want custom-tailored, SEO rich, quality content should probably search for an expert in the industry. Those businesses that want to just throw up a website and create something just to have a presence there to show their clients, give the newbie a shot, why not?

Great content is what is going to drive traffic to your website. It is what is going to back you up when it comes to finding diversity in the niche that you work in. This can be something that newbies learn, but you might not have the time for them to take the time to learn on their own.

Welcome to all newbies in the freelance writing world and welcome to all businesses that want to work with experts and newbies alike in the field. With that being said, here is a guide to helping newbies get off to a great start in this content building industry.

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Website Content: Why is it So Important? Tue, 03 Jan 2017 02:51:45 +0000 Website content is one of the most important aspects of having an online presence. Not only is it good for companies, big and small but also individuals looking to gain

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Website content is one of the most important aspects of having an online presence. Not only is it good for companies, big and small but also individuals looking to gain attention.

When you work with someone that understands SEO and the importance of quality content, you’re working with someone that can build your name, your business’s name and get you seen by the target audience of your choosing.

Why is Website Content Important?

If you’re looking to move out of the everyday thing and move into the world around you, then the internet is the first place you’re going to go to find the customers you want.

However, how do you reach these customers? Where would you start?

You’d have to work with a marketer and content writer that understands how to market your company through website content and marketing means so you can be seen.

Not only does the content have to be enriching and provide value to the reader, but it also has to be optimized correctly in order to get the right amount of views.

More views mean more potential customers and clients for your company. This is due to having the search engines pick up on these keywords and provide your website as one of the many that can be found when those words are searched for.

Overview of Benefits of Having Website Content 

Here is a brief bulleted list that showcases the benefits of having high-quality website content for your business:

  • Be seen on search engines
  • Have enriching, valuable content for your readers
  • Have a link that potential clients and customers can visit
  • Provide more information to those that want to know more about you and what you do
  • Enjoy the benefits of growing with the technology around you

As always, it is important to hire a professional content writer for your website content. They can not only provide thorough SEO work but enriching, helpful content that can engage the customers and clients and help them reach you better. Here is more information about creating engaging website content for your business.

The post Website Content: Why is it So Important? appeared first on Web Design & Marketing Services.
