When thinking about becoming a freelancer, many people do not want the uncertainty of not knowing if you will have work or get paid at a certain time. They might not like having to look around and find work for yourself. This is common. Many people do not want to put forth a lot of effort for just a small piece of satisfaction. This is what happens when you start off in the freelancing world. It is all hard work, no play and sometimes, no fun. You have to make your future and the money that you make. While it is not back-breaking labor and you are not getting your hands dirty, you’re certainly working hard for your money.

One of the biggest questions that I get asked is whether or not I am happier as a freelancer. Do I enjoy what I do? Do I get the satisfaction from it that some get from their jobs?

Happiness as a Freelancer

Happiness comes from doing something that you like. You can choose to be happy with any job. No really, you can. You’re ultimately the keeper of your own happiness. However, being able to go to my children’s appointments or the plays that they put on without having to let my boss know I will be missing an hour of work here or an hour there is great. That is the biggest and best thing about being a freelancer and owning my own business.

I have a strong work ethic, I do and even at a 9 to 5 desk job if I missed that hour, I would be working until 6 to make it up, but I just cannot miss out on those times that I won’t have again. I will always have the desk, the work, the job; but my children will not be little forever.

You may not have children but you might have a grandma that you want to spend time with before it is too late or a dog that has to be put to sleep soon so you want to give them the best life they could ever ask for towards the end. Whatever the reason, freelancing has allowed me to be much more flexible with what I can and cannot do, making the things that really matter most to me easily enjoyed.

It is Not All Good

Freelancing is not all good. I don’t get large amounts of taxes back every year that I can spend to fix my house or do my hair. I have to pay for health insurance for my family (which is pretty expensive). Struggling is sometimes necessary when I try to find work when the workforce is slow and clients are deciding on their marketing strategies. I have to MAKE myself work because there is no boss barking behind me to get those papers in! You have to work to grow your freelance career.

I do have the creativity to create beautiful websites for clients. By allowing my creativity and my passion for helping others grow, I am essentially loving what I do, downfalls and all. I love being able to help those small businesses ramp up their production and see money come into their businesses. I love being able to stretch my imagination further than I ever have with their projects they bring to me.

Happiness is what you make it. If you want happiness, just think about what you want from life. Think of those things that make you happiest. These are what your life should revolve around, not something that holds you back.

*If you want tips on how to organize and handle both personal and professional life, check out my post here… it also has pretty awesome extras you can make use of!