Doing anything freelance is daunting because there are no guarantees in freelance anything. This means trusting in your gut and just doing what needs to be done. However, your freelance career needs to be jump started and the only way to do this is through these useful skills. You may or may not have them, you might have to develop them, you might have to grow them, you might have to acquire them; whatever you have to do – just do it!

Make sure that you’re ready to grow these skills, because come 2019, you’re going to need them to hang onto. You’re going to want to wish you built them up before the big boom comes. While this sounds scary, it’s really not. I am just being theatrical and trying to get my point across.

Moving onto the skills needed, here are the four biggest and best skills to have that can actually help you grow your freelance career.

1. Have a Diverse Portfolio

While one particular area might suit you best, which it does for many, there are many benefits to having a large, all-inclusive portfolio that lists many of your strong suits. You might be great at writing landing pages or sales emails, but you’re also good at putting together decent websites – show these skills off! There is no right or wrong way to showcase yourself, even if you do more than one thing!

2. Have a Personal Website for Your Freelance Career

Having a personal website means you mean business. However, you have to keep it up-to-date. If you have old news on there, no one is going to look at it. If it looks like it was made 20 years ago, again, no one will be impressed. Change with the times, just like they are going to want to change with the times. Impress!

3. Always Deliver More Than Whats Expected

Delivering more than what is expected to the client is always going to go over well. If you impress them, they’re going to send more people your way. Not only that, but they’re going to want to keep using you for all of the work that they have. You will become a regular and have a strong working relationship. Hey, you might even get a bit of a raise out of it! Do well, do more, and impress!

4. Maintain and Use Social Media

Having social media means a lot for those that have internet-related jobs. If this is your profession, then you need social media. This allows you to network, get your name out there, get seen, get known and then get hired! Without the World Wide Web behind you, you might find that reaching those goals of actually making a living is harder than you originally thought.

It is important to do what is best for your freelance career. If you’re able to do this, you won’t have to worry about what comes next. You will make a name for yourself and allow yourself to have a comfortable profession doing something that is rewarding and enriching. The best part is that as a freelancer, you choose who to work for!