Balancing multiple jobs, grueling workouts, crazy class schedules, sometimes life can get a little crazy. Everyone has been there – stressed, exhausted, and likely a somewhat crabby, all due to attempting to do too much. And because of all this, the dreaded burnout has become way too easy to experience.

Not only that, but being a freelancer or business owner means burnouts can happen, and they can happen quickly.

What is burnout?

Burnout is the state of constant stress, where no matter what you do it feels as if you can’t break from the slump. Some signs include emotional and physical fatigue, insomnia, detachment, negative feelings like cynicism or anger, and lack of focus. If you are experiencing burnout, your personality will shift, job performance suffers, and you will be too tired to function.

Here are five ways to stay away from burnout:

1. Sleep

One of the symptoms of burnout is insomnia, and when you are unable to sleep, your brain does not function at its optimal level. There are other serious consequences as well when you do not get enough sleep, including increased risk of traffic accidents, lack of judgment, and increased risk of developing chronic diseases like depression, hypertension, cancer, and diabetes.

Obtaining enough sleep is vital to both your happiness and health. Studies have shown that adults require 7-9 hours of sleep each night to function at their prime.

2. Laugh

Science has proven laughing has many short and long-term effects and relieves stress. In fact, every study conducted on this subject has shown positive results. And let’s face it, it is difficult to be angry and cynical when laughing hard. So, try to interact more with the funny people at work. Hang out with your funniest friend. Seriously, laugh away your stress!

3. Exercise

Exercise is crucial to both your physical and mental health. Participating in regular exercise improves self-confidence, increases productivity, reduces levels of stress, prevents cognitive decline, and improves memory. Knowing you are taking care of yourself as well as gaining improved energy from moving rather than sitting all day, helps to prevent that emotional and physical exhaustion that leads to burnout.

4. Socialize

Everyone needs emotional fulfillment, and spending time with people outside of work can provide you with some. Making work your whole life, and only socializing at work, leaves you burned out emotionally detached from people you would typically hang out with after work. To keep you active and engaged, try to schedule regular social activities. Perhaps a weekly movie night or a Sunday brunch would be an ideal plan.

5. Learn to Say No

Saying yes to everything can be easy, especially with a go-getter mentality. However, saying no to some things in your career is important if you are going to remain engaged, energetic, and excited about your work. Determine what is most important (or necessary) to your work and remain on those projects and events.

Burnout is harmful, stressful, and a hindrance on your personal and work life. However, you do not need to get to that point! Burnout can sneak up on you, so pay attention to where you are at when you get emotional. Every one in a while, check in with yourself to be sure you are treating yourself well, not overworking or extending your stress levels.